The so-called "moderate rebels"
#Syria #WarCrimes #FakeNews #lies #terrorism #aggression #Hypocrisy #FalseFlag #bastards #IillegalWar #Criminals #CriminalDamage #DoubleStandard #ModerateRebels
What was the UN created for?
What was the United Nations charter created for?
What were human rights associations created for?
What was the International Criminal Court created for?
Enough of double standars and hypocrisy. Enough is enough.

If wars can be started by lies, they can be stopped by truth.”
- Julian Assange -

We need a proper understanding of the past to correctly judge the present if we ever are to foretell the future

The War in Syria is not a "Civil War" as your (US, UK) western media has spread to the whole world, it is an Invasion of a Sovereign Country (you have done the same in Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and Yemen).
Here's the proof
I would like to ask @BBCNews why they didn’t show this video in 2011? Why was it hidden? You are liars You are guilty of the war in Syria They should be arrested
BBC News - Damascus show of support for Syrian President Assad… … … …

This video was hidden. I just discovered it by chance. @BBCNews you aren’t real journalists, you are liars and you make fake news. You are guilty of the war in Syria, the thousands dead, the thousands of refugees. You were to be tried and arrested for false witnesses.

Obama"there are none in Syria, & we don’t have ground forces in sufficient Nº to simply march to Raqqa & Syria & clane the hole out & as a consequence we've always understood that our goal has to be miliyarily constraining ISIS capabilities cutting off their suply lines...."
The above statement was taken from this video.
Hear what Obama says in this video during his interview. There were not enough rebels in Syria;
Obama admits to protecting ISIS!!!
US used lies to invade all these countries, to overthrow legitimate governments

Overthrow: 100 Years of U.S. Meddling & Regime Change, from Iran to Nica...
The "moderate rebels", were and are created, trained, armed and financed by US, GB, FR, CA, TR, SA, QA, and with the participation of the CIA, MI6 and Mossad

'Exporter of terrorism': WikiLeaks releases secret 'CIA paper'
CIA Drug Ops Conspiracy ( Full Length )
Discovery: how media lies documentary film - CNN CBS FOX NEWS channel di...
Ex-CIA Agent: America creates its own enemies
'WikiLeaks story soft, coverage a 9/11-like lie'
John Pilger: Truth & Lies in the war on Terror
CrossTalk on Syria: Victim of Conspiracy?
The Osama Myth Exposed
Who Are the Muslim Brotherhood?
Public opinion survey: Syrians reject violence and outside intervention.… via @hrimark
Christians tells the TRUTH about Syria
Ken O'Keefe's Middle East - The Peoples Voice - Gilad Atzmon, David Icke
Confronting the Chemical Lies in Syria - Mother Agnes Mariam on GRTV
Ray McGovern 30 Year CIA Veteran On Syria, False Flags, And The Shadow C...
See this video. Very important. 👇🏼
"...menbers of Al-Qaeda are Known to be among the rebels being supported by the Obama administration.."
Former CIA Analyst Exposes Syrian War Lobbyists - Michael Scheuer #N3
General Wesley Clark: The US will attack 7 countries in 5 years
Syrian speaks truths on CNN
CIA Drug Ops Conspiracy Unaired Documentary
Media Fakery and the Distortion of History
CIA Drug Ops Conspiracy : (Unaired Documentary)
Syrian Archbishop: Western leaders “screwing" Syrians by supporting terrorists… via @offguardian0
CrossTalk on Syria: Victim of Conspiracy?
VERY IMPORTANT video, see the truth👇🏼
Syria: NOT A Revolution! (+18)
In Syria, CIA & Pentagon-Funded Militias Clash
#WeAreN2016NY -Testimony Sister Guadalupe (English Version)
Why the Rothschild want Syria controlled.
Exposing the Dirty War on Syria
The Dirty War on Syria - Dr. Tim Anderson on GRTV
What You Are Not Being Told About the Afghanistan War
Missing Link to Dr. Tim Anderson - "The Dirty War On Syria"
Oliver Stone The Untold History of The US Bush Obama Age of Terror
Obama: A Legacy of Ashes
How The CIA Lets In The Terrorists - J. Michael Springmann on The Corbet...
Special Report- State Secrets: Sibel Edmonds Uncovers ‘The Untouchables’
War on Syria: Manufactured Revolution and Fake Media Narrative
Wilkerson: Trump Attack on Syria Driven by Domestic Politics
Very, very import video, see 👇🏼
US Syria Strike Was Illegal, No Matter Who Carried Out Gas Attack
Very, very import video, see 👇🏼
The REAL Cost of the War of Terror
Global War on Terror: Mapping a World From Hell @TomDispatch… via @myfairobserver
Very, very import video, see 👇🏼
The Real Cost of the WAR OF TERROR
Is Civil War Coming To Saudi Arabia?
CIA Caught Arming Terrorists and Stealing Biometrics - #NewWorldNextWeek
Very, very important video👇🏼
The Exclusive Interview with Joel Skousen: The "US War on Terror" and co...
CIA, Media & The Mind-Controlled Opposition (Full Video)
The REAL Middle East Nuclear Threat
The REAL Middle East Nuclear Threat-The Corbett Report
Overthrow: 100 Years of U.S. Meddling & Regime Change, from Iran to Nica...
Powerful Interview with Anti-War Author Christopher Bollyn (2018)
SYRIA - the Terrifying Truth of What is Really Happening
Who Wants War In Syria? - Kevin MacDonald & Angelo John Gage
Vanessa Beeley exposes Fake News at BBC World Service Trending, propagan...
Resist NOW - Interview with Eva Bartlett on Syria via @YouTube
The Rothschild Syria Connection - Major Revelations
Very important video see 👇🏼
NGOs Are The Deep State's Trojan Horses
Interview on Syria Insider: Dismantling Media Lies On Syria, Chemical We...
Clinton Email: We Must Destroy Syria For Israel… … via @yournewswire
The last 3 US Elections were won by people who promised non-intervention & delivered EXACTLY the opposite What Ike called the MIC has continued to spread its tentacles & is now more powerful than any president US 'democracy' is a sham Washington is effectively a Rogue Regime

The Syrian Civil War, every day
Check out the areas liberated by the #SyrianArmy in the last 6 months.
Source: Syrian Digital Media

Who are the moderate rebels in Syria? Are there any? Why is the U.S. supporting them?…

'Exporter of terrorism': WikiLeaks releases secret 'CIA paper'
Hypocrites and Moderate Rebels…
Arming 'Moderate' Syrian Rebels Is Questionable — The Patriot Post…

Meet Aleppo’s ‘Moderate,’ ‘Secular’ ‘Rebels’: Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood
In Syria, the U.S. has been too eager to support “moderate secular rebels” who oppose Assad but are Islamists who take care to blur their identity.…
Don’t rely on Syria’s ‘moderate’ fighting force. It doesn’t exist | Mowaffaq Safadi…

'No moderate rebels in Syria, US just trying to save face'
Proof: "Moderate Rebels" in Syria are Really Jihadists (Ben Swann)
Moderate Rebels? | Robert Wright & Max Blumenthal [The Wright Show]
Democrats and the Russiagate Delusion (Moderate Rebels Ep. 1)
End of CIA's Syrian ghost war and al-Qaeda's renaissance (Moderate Rebel...
The sordid history of US proxy war in Syria, with Gareth Porter (Moderat...
Who are the "moderate rebels"?
"Moderate rebels - They are War Criminals
I apologize to the relatives of the victims for exposing these videos, but the World has to know what is happening in Syria. I will only use some videos, from the thousands that can be found on the net.

Syria War Crime: Massacre of prisoners by Syrian Rebels
war crimes in syria by syria free army
war crimes in syria by syria free army
Syrian rebels 'kill unarmed man'
FSA Brutal crimes against humanity .... Mass execution
SYRIA more videos of FSA Terrorists executing civilians
Syria FSA terrorist War Crimes Die Civilan small
Free Syrian Army War Crimes _ Abducted and executed
FSA Free Syrian Army _ war crimes _ abducted and tortured
FSA Free Syrian Army _ war crimes _ mass graves
FSA Free Syrian Army_crimes against humanity_ civilians travelling, got ...
FSA Free Syrian Army_war crimes_ inflicting severe injury to an elderly ...
FSA Free Syrian Army_ war crimes _ execution of civilians
FSA Free Syrian Army_war crimes _ abducted & tortured
FSA Free Syrian Army_war crimes _ Tortured POW_
FSA Free Syrian Army_war crimes _ Tortured POW_
FSA Free Syrian Army _ war crimes _ execution of POW_chopped up victim A...
FSA Free Syrian Army_Crimes Against Humanity_Attacks on civilians
FSA Free Syrian Army_ Crimes against humanity_Desecration of Christian c...
FSA Free Syrian Army_Crimes Against Humanity_Assassination of Children
FSA Free Syrian army_War Crimes_Executed civilian
War crime? Syrian rebels execute POWs
Syrian rebels use child in beheading unarmed prisoners in Homs
WW3 - Syria - Free Syria Army Atrocities ( FSA ) - 'Extremely Disturbing...
Syria: FSA Decapitate then Grill Their Victims…
New video of UK militants committing war crimes in Syria
"Syria War Prisoners & Battle"
Syrian rebel eats heart, threatens regime
Syria War | FSA Rebels killing the Syrians Door by Door | Against Human ...
Syria War | FSA Rebels killing the Syrians Door by Door | Against Human ...
Insurgents Interrogate Syrian Soldier Before Executing him - he tells th...
Mass execution of Syrian Soldiers coincide with CW investigation - Khan ...
Soldier (Prisoner-of-war) greeting his family before being executed
18+ not for shock! FSA Free Syrian Army war Crimes - Massacre in Hama, F...
18+ FSA Free Syrian Army War Crimes Execution of captured soldiers, Kh...
18+ FSA Free Syria Army War crimes - Execution of Prisoners of War, youn...
Syrian rebel commander eating the heart and liver of a dead enemy Syria...
Syrian Rebels Execute 7 Soldiers…
Syrian Rebels Execute 7 Army Officers VIDEO Smuggled Out of Syria Dange...
Does execution video prove Syrian rebels to be extremists?
Syria rebel cuts out soldier's heart and eats it
Syria FSA Terrorists Meet Their Fate
Photo Proof ~ Identifying the “FSA” ~ [WARNING: Disturbing Images]
look here👇🏼… …
18+ FSA Free Syrian Army war Crimes Syrian contruction workers tortur...
Syrian opposition forces take regime members prisoners in Daraa
18+ Syria foreign terrorists abuse captured prisoner
18+ not for shock! Kurdish Girl has been killed by FSA in Syria because...
Syrian “Moderate Rebels” Massacre Shiite Civilians in Aleppo
see here 👇🏼…

Syria: The sadistic Kafria and Foua massacre by “moderate rebels”
More than two dozen Shi'a civilians killed at the very least and dozens wounded in Aleppo's Rashideen.
Syria: The sadistic Kafria and Foua massacre by “moderate rebels” (w/videos)… via @offguardian0
Syrian ‘Moderate Rebels’ Use Children as Human shield for Mortar Emplacement via @southfronteng
Syrian ‘Moderate Rebels’ put children in cages and use them as human shields:

Human Shields in Eastern Ghota!
Human Shields in Eastern Ghota!
"Terrorists use kidnapped soldiers, civilians as human shield near Syria...
Syria: ‘They used us as human shields’ - E.Ghouta residents recount terr...
Syria: ‘They used us as human shields’ - E.Ghouta residents recount terror of fleeing… by @eblnews
Fighting in Aleppo proves ISIS, Al Qaeda & 'moderate rebels' all working together -- Puppet Masters --…
I'm done fighting, the FSA lied to us and the US dollars & Saudi money they gave us ruined everything. I just want the war to be over" Listen to this interview with #ahrar_al_sham fighter evacuated from #EastGhouta
The Pentagon paid $500m to make fake terrorist propaganda videos…
"War on Terror" Facts, Costs, and Timeline. Whose Spent More on War? Bush, Obama, or Trump?
see here👇🏼…

The US Department of Defense recently tweeted that they work with Hollywood to 'ensure the military is correctly portrayed in films.' People are calling this propaganda and say the DoD is shaping their global perception. What do you think?
Media Lies While Syrians Die: Media Disinformation and the Syrian War
Fabrication in BBC Panorama 'Saving Syria's Children'
Insight: Saving Syria's Children - The Worst Case Of Fake News?
Fabrication in BBC Panorama Saving Syria's Children: Robert Stuart, Medi...
BBC “Saving Syria’s Children” Documentary: Staged Events, Fake Video Footage
see here👇🏼…

Child exploitation for faked Chemical Attack in Syria (31-AUG-2017)
‘Media used my son for their purposes’ CNN’s Amanpour challenged to go t...
Visiting Douma ‘chemical attack’ site: Witnesses recall how White Helmet...
'They gave dates & cookies to kids at Douma hospital' – father of ‘chem...
Syria: Boy in White Helmets FAKE Chemical Attack Video Reveals Truth
Visiting Douma ‘chemical attack’ site: Witnesses recall how White Helmet...
WHITE HELMETS: Swedish Doctors Denounce Medical Malpractice and ‘Misuse’ of Children for Propaganda Purposes
see here 👇🏼…

Syria, Russia present witnesses of 'staged' gas attack…
Roger Waters condemns Syria strikes and says White Helmets lie
This is not a movie, this is fake: Syria war photos go viral, but they a...
Amnesty in Wartime: Assad pardons former Syrian militants (RT Documentary)
Unbroken in Syria. Syrian veterans seeing past their injuries to a bette...
مصادر روسية مسؤولة تكشف عن عدد قتلى النظام من ” الطائفة العلوية “ via

US "moderate" rebels Jaysh Al-Islam crimes no less heinous than ISIL
Ray McGovern 30 Year CIA Veteran On Syria, False Flags, And The Shadow C...
In Syria, CIA & Pentagon-Funded Militias Clash
"Moderate rebels - They are War Criminals - weapons
Lebanon seizes 150 tons of Libyan arms en route to Syrian rebels
Guns & Prayers: Syrian rebels 'major clients' of Lebanese arms dealers
Official says CIA-funded weapons have begun to reach Syrian rebels; rebels deny receipt @CNNPolitics…
Huge stash of US-made weapons found in terrorist-held Aleppo district
Here's a look at the weapons the US is sending to Syrian rebels via @businessinsider
CIA Caught Arming Terrorists and Stealing Biometrics - #NewWorldNextWeek
Journalist fired for exposing how CIA ran weapons to terrorists
Journalist Interrogated & Sacked for Exposing CIA-NATO Arming of Terrori...
Scandal: The Pentagon's $2 Billion Underground Syria Weapons Pipeline
Huge stash of US-made weapons found in terrorist-held Aleppo district
Syrian Army uncovers weapons storage facility in East Ghouta suburb (photos) via @thearabsource
VIDEO: Syrian Army discovers militant city underneath Jobar in east Damascus via @thearabsource
Syrian Army uncovers massive ISIS hub containing NATO, Israeli-made weapons in Deir Ezzor (photos) via @thearabsource
VIDEO: Syrian Army discovers tunnels, weapons caches in liberated East Ghouta town via @thearabsource
Torture chambers, arms caches uncovered in Syria's liberated East Ghouta (video) via @thearabsource
VIDEO: Syrian Army seizes guided anti-tank missiles after discovering underground ISIS cache in Deir Ezzor via @thearabsource
Pictures: Syrian Army uncovers more explosive workshops in liberated East Ghouta town via @thearabsource
Pictures: Syrian Army seizes hundreds of mortar shells at recently discovered Jaysh al-Islam ammo factory in east Damascus via @thearabsource
Syrian authorities uncover large amount of militant weapons in Dumayr (video) via @thearabsource
VIDEO: Syrian Army lays claim to dozens of US-built TOW missiles hidden in cave in east Qalamoun via @thearabsource
Syrian Army uncovers more militant weapons left behind in East Ghouta (photos) via @thearabsource
'Tank you very much': Syrian Army to use armor handed over by east Qalamoun rebels for north Homs offensive via @thearabsource
VIDEO: Russian military takes possession of NATO weapons and assorted ammunition after surrender of rebels in Syria via @thearabsource
VIDEO: Syrian forces foil rebel attempt to smuggle weapons, drugs into Homs via @thearabsource
Syrian military seizes Israeli-made weapons destined for northern Homs (photos) via @thearabsource
Syrian military uncovers large quantity of NATO-made weapons in Douma (video) via @thearabsource
Syrian Army seizes militant weapons depot and field hospital southern Damascus via @thearabsource
Rebels surrender massive weapons arsenal to Syrian Army in northern Homs (video) via @thearabsource
Rebels surrender massive arsenal of weapons to Syrian military in northern Homs via @thearabsource
Homs rebels hand over air defense systems as per agreement with Syrian Army [+ Photos] via @thearabsource
VIDEO: Syrian Army uncovers weapon caches in liberated East Ghouta town via @thearabsource
Syrian Army uncovers one of the largest rebel tunnels in Syria (video) via @thearabsource
Israeli weapons among arms handed over to Syrian Army by militants in southern Damascus via @thearabsource
VIDEO: Syrian Army discovers hidden weapons caches, tanks in East Qalamoun via @thearabsource
Syrian Army uncovers large cache of equipment left behind by rebels in southern Damascus (photos) via @thearabsource
Syrian military seizes another large cache of weapons in southern Damascus (photos) via @thearabsource
Syrian Army seizes massive weapons arsenal in northern Homs (video) via @thearabsource
Syrian military uncovers another weapons cache in southern Damascus (photos) via @thearabsource
VIDEO: Syrian Army discovers tunnel boring machine in former ISIS enclave south of capital via @thearabsource
Damascus Accuses US Coalition of Deliberately Destroying Oil Wells in Syria -… …
The legacy of the US, UK, France and allies in Syria

The truth
Syria - The Truth, The Whole Truth, & Nothing But The Truth… … #BitChute
The so-called "moderate rebels"
#Syria #WarCrimes #FakeNews #lies #terrorism #aggression #Hypocrisy #FalseFlag #bastards #IillegalWar #Criminals #CriminalDamage #DoubleStandard #ModerateRebels