6 years ago, 18 tweets, 13 min read Read on Twitter
On #Reparations: Recently, I’ve watched as some white evangelicals have jumped into this conversation with talking points they heard at the dinner table or recently, on Fox News. Neither of these sources should shape our understanding of this biblical concept. 1/
Theologically, #reparation is about repairing what oppression broke in the world. 2/ @FreedomRoadus
In Abrahamic traditions God declares what perfection looks like in Genesis 1:31. God looks around and declared all of creation “very good” (tov m’od). Tov (good) is located BETWEEN THINGS. M’od (very) translated actually means forceful, abundant, overflowing. 3/ @FreedomRoadus
So, Tov M’od (Genesis 1:31 very goodness) is about the overwhelming wellness of all of the relationships in creation. That’s what God cares about. That’s what God calls perfect—the wellness of the ties that bind us all together. 4/ #reparations @FreedomRoadus
Oppression breaks relationship between people groups. 5/ #reparations @FreedomRoadus
Worse, oppression crushes the Genesis 1:26 Image of God (inherent dignity) in whole people groups. 6/ #reparations @FreedomRoadus
#Reparations is NOT about individual wrong-doing. It is about state-sanctioned murder, rape, mutilation, disenfranchisement and silencing. It is about the state’s sin against people groups through unjust law, policy and structure. 7/ @FreedomRoadus
2 Samuel 21 gives us a clear picture of biblical #reparation. David was a new king. There was famine in the land. He asked God, “Was up?! Why is there famine in the land?” 8/ @FreedomRoadus
In the next moment, The Gibeonites show up and knock on the door. They have a complaint. When Saul was king, he massacred their people. David does something profound. 9/ #2Sam21 #reparations @FreedomRoadus
David asks: “What do you say that I should do for you?”

King David recognizes that previous king Saul’s oppression of the Gibeonites was direct challenge to God’s authority on earth by attempting to erase the Image of God in them from the land. /10 #Reparations @FreedomRoadus
David #repairs relationship with the Gibeonites by recognizing what Saul failed to recognize; the image of God in them and their consequent call to exercise dominion in the world— the call for them to care for and steward themselves and the land. 11/ #Reparations @FreedomRoadus
So, David revisits moment Saul caused the break—moment of encounter—and he reverses Saul’s curse on them by recognizing and #submitting to the Gibeonites’ authority. He asks: “What do you say that I should do for you?” #2Sam21 ... then doing it. 12/
#Reparations @FreedomRoadus
David was not responsible for the Gibeonites’ oppression. But, as the leader of his government, responsibility for the nation’s past unjust policies was now his to address. 13/ #2Sam21 #Reparations @FreedomRoadus
David did everything the Gibeonites told him to do.

And what was God’s response?

God lifts the famine. 14/

#2Sam21 #Reparation @FreedomRoadus
Reparations is not about a check.
Reparations is not about punishment.
Reparations is not about individual wrong-doing.
#Reparations is ABOUT repairing what oppression breaks: relationship and people. 15/
#Reparations @FreedomRoadus
Oppression is costly for the oppressed. Oppression costs people groups’ dignity, family members lives, family futures and economic possibility for generations. With such a profound cost of oppression, of course repair will be costly. 16/ #Reparations @FreedomRoadus
What is the alternative?

We all live in famine. 17/

#Reparations @FreedomRoadus
The call for reparations does not rise from a political party.

The requirement of reparations rises from the mind of God.



#Reparations @FreedomRoadus
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