It encourages people to make the most inflammatory hot take in order to rile up a base that will push their account to a new audience
People make fake posts, take quotes out of context, and generally lie to get rewarded
Covington is a great example of this phenomenon.
Facts don't matter, being in the herd matters.
Over time the distributed human machine figures out what works and what doesn't based on the paths laid out by Twitter.
Early on Twitter was fun and valuable but then humans solved the game
What works works and what doesn't doesn't.
Twitters mechanics inherently prop up the most vile and disgusting behavior.
Anger and Justice do really well in terms of generating shares.
This led to "outrage journalism" and activism.
Lie, cheat and steal.
People make fake posts and misrepresent other people to get that rage traffic.
It affects everyone but the left is very vulnerable to this due to collectivism
Stupid people by accident and Smart people on purpose will push lies for the sake of riling up the crowd and getting recognition. Humans love social acceptance and recognition. They love being viewed as righteous.
The left seeks to find outrage by claiming the system has always been broken
The right gets mad when they get censored or targeted unfairly due to the belief the system is broken.
But to me this is why the left is censorious and the right is all about free speech.
The left says "society is flawed"
The right says "you are breaking society"
Its a powerful marketing platform and cultural politics is on top