But Chait and others are missing a big one: immigration.
Having ideas isn't enough. Support from activists, pundits and political Twitter isn't enough. Millions have to buy in, & POTUS nominees are chief salesperson. If Beto can sell Dem ideas better than others, that's a reason to run
(I want a POTUS with a command of policy details, especially on foreign policy, but I'm not the average voter).
That's Trump's signature issue, and Democrats have mostly ducked it. The 2020 POTUS candidates so far, and 2018 midterm campaign, focus on other subjects, like healthcare or the economy.
2020 campaigns talking past each other is one strategy. Directly taking on Trump over immigration is another.
But if Dems want to debate Trump on immigration, rather than continuing to cede the issue, Beto's in position to.