I'll now share 10 things she exposed through her whistleblowing. #ChelseaResists
"We'll continue saying bombs are ours, not yours." #ChelseaResists
"[Detainees] walk around like zombies, have no sense of time, and have difficulty communicating with us." #ChelseaResists
"Often referred to as a quasi-mafia, an oblique mention of 'the Family' is enough to indicate which family you mean." #ChelseaResists
"Growing perception of common understanding between US and China is making some other interlocutors less comfortable." #ChelseaResists
"Prosecutions would not be understood or accepted in US and would have enormous impact on bilateral relationship" #ChelseaResists
"The knowledge that TF-373 conducted HIMARS strike must be kept protected." #ChelseaResists
Going forward, each day she remains in jail, I'll add something she revealed to this thread. #ChelseaResists
#11: Attack helicopter with call sign "Crazyhorse 18," same as in "Collateral Murder" video, killed two Iraqi insurgents trying to surrender. Lawyer said can't surrender to aircraft. #ChelseaResists
#12: Cable revealing executions of Iraqi farmer's family. Led Iraqi govt to refuse to grant US troops immunity from war crimes prosecutions. It helped spur Obama's decision to withdraw forces from Iraq. wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/0…

#13: Iraq Body Count project examined Iraq War Logs & found 15,000 previously unknown civilian deaths. At time, it raised # of civilian deaths from at least 107,000 to at least 122,000. thebureauinvestigates.com/stories/2011-0… #ChelseaResists
#14: In Iraq War, Blackwater contractors were observed escalating violence on May 14, 2005. They fired shots at civilian vehicle. Father was killed & his wife & daughter wounded.
wikileaks.org/irq/report/200… #ChelseaResists
#15: May 3, 2005—A major crimes unit backed by coalition forces confiscated "hand cranked generator with wire clamps" from Iraqi police, found after heard screaming during beating
wikileaks.org/irq/report/200… #ChelseaResists

#16: Iraq War Logs contained several reports documenting checkpoint deaths. In report from September 16, 2007, 9 year-old girl was killed as US patrol in Baghdad tried to stop a car. wikileaks.org/irq/report/200… #ChelseaResists

#17: There were examples of detainee abuse by British soldiers in the Iraq War Logs. One report said detainee was punched, kicked, and hit with weapon. Likely suffered rib fracture.
wikileaks.org/irq/report/200… #ChelseaResists
#18: One for Trump era of US foreign policy—Iraq viewed relations with Saudi Arabia, not Iran, to be the "most challenging."
wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/0… #ChelseaResists

#19: US-Iraqi inspection found more than 1,400 detainees in "squalid, cramped conditions." Several detained children said they were raped by Iraqi police to coerce confessions. wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/0… #ChelseaResists
#20: Wolf Brigade—unit of Iraqi police commandos feared for inflicting "pain & agony" on detainees—was involved in blackmailing, kidnapping, & murdering political candidates (2005).
wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/0… #ChelseaResists
#21: Wolf Brigade, Iraqi police unit, "reportedly threatened detainees with demeaning acts against their wives and sisters," which is "particularly flagrant violation to a Muslim" wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/0… #ChelseaResists
#22: UK's Ministry of Defense promised measures were put in place to protect US interests during a UK inquiry into the Iraq War wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/0… #ChelseaResists