✅only 1 side has always and continues to call for the annihilation of the other.
✅only 1 side teaches their children to hate the other, inculcating them with dreams of martyrdom
✅only 1 rejected statehood
✅only 1 side glorifies terrorists by naming public squares and streets after them.
✅only 1 pays the families of terrorists for killing innocent civilians
✅only 1 holds territory that (on pain of death) excludes the other.
✅only 1 launches operations from civilian population centers, using human shields
✅only 1 invests in terror tunnels and infrastructure instead of schools and hospitals
✅only 1 murders its own ppl for selling property to other side
✅only 1 side expects to achieve peace through terror
✅only 1 side keeps their people in a state of perpetual “unsettled refugee” status
✅only 1 side celebrates murder of innocents by handing candy in streets