#Audacious is appreciative of all the mothers in the world, you make the world better. Thank you
Of all types (so to speak) if doubts, the most dangerous is Self-doubt.
Doubt is: to be uncertain about (something): to believe that something may not be true or is unlikely: to have no confidence in (someone or something)
Simply put, Self-doubt means LACK OF SELF CONFIDENCE.
If everything is lacking in oneself, please let it not be self confidence, it can be demoralizing.
Those that are shut up are the league of adults that are exhibiting the trait now #SelfDoubt
I worked with a particular kid sometimes back, the complain was that he ain't brilliant, too dull, and he doesn't talk.
Few times into my session with him, I discovered that he is a brilliant chap #SelfDoubt
What I did was to affirm his excellent part, I told him how beautiful he is & how delighted I am to be his friend
Whenever we failed in such task, we deliberate on why we failed and I then suggest a way to do it.
I built his confidence
#SelfDoubt is a weakness and we must all treat it from a weakness perspective.
Read wide. Give informed opinion. Speak. Speak. Speak.
Ever wonder when you attend a conference or seminar you are ready to do something great bcoz you've seen that you can, but after, you never start?
Check out the lots of people who have really fantastic ideas on paper, they didn't start bcos no confidence in themselves
1. Refuse to be shut down.
2. Speak and don't be coerced into not talking.
3. Be expressive
4. Demand respect
5. Socialize more
6. Be neat & tidy always
7. Have a commanding demeanor
#SelfDoubt no dey pay ooo.