Thank you both for responding so generously to my request to get your opinions of 7.3. I will spend some time contributing my own thoughts and responding to yours. While this response will be piecemeal, ...
Part 1: DSM
The 1st thing I want to cover is the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). I, personally, do not like it because of its seemingly arbitrary classification of certain
He served on the board which made decisions on what was to be included in the DSM.
I realize that APA stands for American Psychiatric Association, and thus, 7.3 only applies to psychiatrists and not psychologists. Furthermore, as Dr. Bandy Lee and others have stressed, violation of 7.3 does NOT result in the withdrawal of
I have never understood why the APA took such an extreme response in adding 7.3 to its principles of medical ethics. Yes, Goldwater sued and won, received reasonable damages, and
So, with those initial topics out of the way, let me read both of your positions again and I will respond in this thread.
Let me begin this part by saying that I am in complete agreement that, with respect to Trump, duty2warn supersedes 7.3. The American people need experienced experts to inform them of the ...