So are its preferred EFTA-style exit routes.
Hannanism has been trumped by Bannonism. /1
Abused constantly for being closet Remainers, traitors and included in the 17.4m "who all voted for No Deal", they none the less continue to provide cover for the rest of Leave. /2
Stop validating by association what the rest of Leave are doing in your (17.4m) names. Pull the rug from under them. /3
Like it or not, support for this EFTA/EEA path now comes with a de facto or de jure customs union.... so-called Common Market 2.0 - a solution that doesn't pass the test of usefulness. /4
It's a fix that doesn't fix anything. /5
• Avoiding going against "the will of the people"
• Recognising that the other 'real' Leave choices are shit.
Painful or Pointless. /6
Time to choose. Are you a 'proper' Leaver? Or has the time come to give up on this botched Brexit? /end