So much more can be done through #communication and #data mining.
What exactly is drawing health back when other discipline have skyrocketed their fields in tech?
#HealthForAll #WHD2019
However, we still need a deep EHR system to gather enough data. These data are everywhere but putting them in a place is important for growth.
#HealthForAll #WHD2019 @WHO
While currently taking a research on 2 tertiary hospitals in Nigeria, I feel there would be a lower ranking system to identify the state of health data storage is done in Africa.
#HealthForAll #WHD2019
We want an easier means of communication.
#HealthForAll @WHO
Reason here:…
We believe much more can be done when those who are in dire need of health know what next to do.
A template that can be worked on is how many Indian hospitals function, focus on specialization...
#HealthForAll #WHD2019
But are limited in taking up some duties.
Tech developers should partner more with health workers than individually identifying a problem and hoping to solve them alone.
Partnering with health workers would make the transitioning smooth.
#WorldHealthDay #WHD2019 @WHO