the board’s bylaws are due to council may 1. they’re presenting their work so far to council tonight.
wes asks how many complaints come in per month. sarah says “30 per year,” but isn’t certain how reliable that data is over time.
he’s explaining the issue of economy of scale.
blair says several items in the bylaws would be more appropriate as ordinance.
the draft bylaws are included in tonight’s packet but we’re not going to get a line by line review tonight.
sarah says she isn’t quite clear enough on the difference to make a comparison.
“the political culture of this town suppresses people from coming forward,” “if you build it they will come,” “i know the complaints are there.” people don’t trust the current system.
applause from the gallery.
(the issue of access to raw data is ongoing and messy)
he says the city has to fund this board for it to be successful.