💭 Not necessarily in order.
1. "Luke, I am your father" -Darth Vader
2. "Life is like a box of chocolates" -Forrest Gump
3. "Mirror, mirror on the wall.” -The queen in Snow White
Answers: buzzfeed.com/christopherhud…

Can we give them all back now? Australia?

💭A photo of 'Muslims laughing' in front of Notre Dame is doctored

If something is a big deal, a wide variety of sources will discuss it."
💭 What are the biases of the sources? The election commission rumor about @AOC originated from a far right lobbying front group and was reported in multiple extremist sources.

Here's my adventure trying (unsuccessfully) that an FEC complaint was filed relevant to @AOC:
💭 Observe:
Type of content
Quality/bias of source
Who benefits