I'm now re-reading it for the third time!
@NSKinsella has changed my fundamental economical and moral axiom, and he has started me down a new rabbit hole which culminates in my Bachelor's thesis.
THANK YOU, Stephan!
non-simulated shared ownership of scarce #Bitcoin with multi signatues in the #lightningnetwork.
If you've read Stephan's book, then you understand the ground breaking innovation of multisig described in my title. :)
This is wrong.
The quantity of a good has nothing to do with the binary attribute of scarcity.
This is the perfect explanation of scarcity:
"The very possibility of conflict over a resource renders it scarce."

"[The formulas] productive power is inexhaustible; it is therefore not an economic good; [...] but [it] can become [an] economic good only if [it is] monopolized and [its] use is restricted."

#Bitcoin 🤯

First, do a tweet storm while you are reading it, great for sharing your notes and first impressions.
Second, write a long form summary and ellaborate your point of view of the topic.
Here is my chapter on scarcity: