@FannyGuine bit.ly/puy-sec
* Reduced milk prod. {+1L instead +4L start spring season}
* 66 % lower grain prod.
* Call to adapt Common Agriculural Policy to climate change
Viz below ↓

* winter drought '17 in FR/ES/PRT
* summer drought '18 lasting from July to December in EU
* '17/4, '18/4 : +- no drought <-> '19/4 : FR/ES/Balkans
* Deficit almost everywhere in region compared with 1981-2010
* +- 40% Allier / Puy-de-Dôme / North of the Loire
* > 50% in part of Limagnes

In France, 10 departments have a water usage restriction (beyond vigilance): bit.ly/propluvia

* Abstraction from rivers (64%), groundwater (23%) and reservoirs (10%)
* Pop/area affected by water stress ↑
* Water used for agriculture (40%), electricity (27%), mining/constr. (17%), households (11%)

* higher deficit in the South with high emissions (#RCP 8.5) compared to low emission scenario (#RCP 2.6 = 2° T-rise)
* difference more outspoken