It is something, but not at all the kind of thing most people think it is, and those with an agenda say it is.
This is already happening.
1 Sexual orientation is a kind of in-born natural characteristic than can be analogized to race or sex, sufficiently to demarcate classes deserving of civil rights recognition.
2 Pedophilia is a sexual orientation.
3 Therefore ________________________.
What the PROBABLY mean is that “what we call ‘races’ do not have different NATURES,” which is true.
Racism is not only morally wrong, but also conceptually wrong.
The two sexes exist around two different natural “poles.” I put it this way because here too there is OVERLAP of TRAITS.
BUT I’m an Aristotelian ethicist, so I know that it is human nature to fall into an OVERCORRECTION ERROR, and flip to the other side of an error with an opposite error.
It’s a vice to be a coward or a wastrel (with your money).
The virtues are means, courage and proper spending.
The overcorrection errors would be recklessness and being a miser.
Not being racist in the virtue.
Being “progressively anti-racist” is the overcorrection error, also an evil/vice.
I’m with John McWhorter on this point:
1 Racism is evil, a vice.
2 Militant Anti-racism is also a vice, stemming from an overcorrection error directed against the vice of racism.
3 The mean is the virtue, which is just not being a racist.
The Victorians were extremely prudish and “sexually repressed” (Freud was junk science, but he taught us all to think about sex in a junk-scientific way).
So what did we do? We OVERCORRECTED with promiscuity.
But they aren’t. They are very different kinds of categories.
We KNOW this on one level, but Intersectionality has to DENY this.
What is 60 kilometers added to 12 hours?
Nothing. You can’t add distance to temporal duration. THEY AREN’T THE SAME KIND OF THING.
Not really.
Why SHOULDN’T dysphoria with one’s race be just as valid an “identity” as dysphoria with one’s biological sex?
They are the same kind of Intersectional category, right?
She was SAVAGED.
It’s was the most disgraceful event in professional philosophy in a long time.
ere’s Wikipedia’s summary of the event:…
Nora Berenstain, of the University of Tennessee was the most egregious actor in the affair.
Here’s her Facebook screed:

1 when you overcorrect an evil, like racism, you get another evil, like militant anti-racism (which creates racism since it needs it to “fight” it),
Race ≠ Sex ≠ “Sexual Orientation” ≠ “Gender Identity” ≠ Religion ≠ Political Worldview etc. etc. etc.
They aren’t even closely ANALOGOUS.
They are not BIGOTS per se, any more than anti-pedophiles are “bigots."
We’re not buying it yet, but they’ll keep pushing and pushing.
“It’s a sexual orientation. How can you condemn 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩? They were ‘born that way’! We have a moral obligation to let pedoph … ‘Minor Attracted Persons’ be ‘who they are’! How can you be such a 𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧, you 𝙥𝙚𝙙𝙤𝙥𝙝𝙤𝙗𝙚?”