On the other hand, just not dating someone from another race/gender/whatever is PEACEFUL DISCRIMINATION, and is not a wrong.
And it is. It is also discriminatory to date only one sex.
We wouldn’t want to ‘discriminate’ now would we?
I trust you see the problem.
Of course things got compromised by Jim Crow Laws etc. but this was the IDEA of the post Civil War Civil Rights Act.
“Sex” was never supposed to be in the Civil Rights Act. Congressman Howard W. Smith added it as an Amendment, with the intention of SINKING THE BILL.
This failed.
Title 2: Equal PUBLIC accommodation. Private institutions specifically exempted
Title 3: Equal access to PUBLIC facilities
Title 4: Equal access to PUBLIC education
Title 5: Rights commission
Title 6: Equal access to PUBLIC government programs
Here’s where we run aground.
1 DISCRIMINATION AS SUCH is criminalized as EVIL
2 The distinction between COERCIVE and NON-COERCIVE DISCRIMINATION is not made.
Is it or is it not morally wrong to DISCRIMINATE in one’s sexual/dating preferences?
If it is EVIL, why shouldn’t the law get involved in your sex/dating life?
But why not?
More and more “social justice” is demanding peaceful discrimination be criminalized.
STATES OF AFFAIRS rather than concrete persons or actions are regarded as “unjust.” But this is NOT AT ALL what “justice” means, in any traditional way.
There cannot be “injustice” that is “no one’s fault.”
But in “social justice” there can be.