Banker Stephen Calk has been indicted for approving $16 MILLION in loans to Paul exchange for a spot in the Trump Administration.
HOWEVER...there are a couple of KEY POINTS many seem to be missing...
As of August 2016, he was ON THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN'S Council of Economic Advisors.
Every headline is missing the point...ANOTHER TRUMP CAMPAIGN ADVISOR was just indicted.
So, Manafort emailed JARED KUSHNER to ask him to consider Calk for a “major appointment.’’
On Nov. 30th, Kushner wrote back: “ON IT!”
...AKA "Transition Official-1."…
6 DAYS LATER, Stephen Calk advanced, interviewing for Under Secretary of the Army.
The indictment says "Transition Official-2" DIDN'T know about the loans.
As for "Transition Official-1"...silence.