Follow along as the Clintons spend three days visiting partners and @ClintonGlobal commitment-makers, and seeing progress made and opportunities to expand recovery and increase resiliency for the region.

We also brought some friends, including @StaceyPlaskett & @nba legend Tim Duncan!
@AmeriCorps program since 1994. LSSVI recruits AmeriCorps members who are highly committed to social work. #IdeasIntoAction

Just today the organization made a @ClintonGlobal commitment to expand its work in St. John & St. Croix.

Croix Foundation staff about the importance refurbishing the theater, originally built in the early 50s, as well as the need for a disaster relief shelter for those living on St. Croix.

@BillClinton and @HillaryClinton spent some time with reporters today.
The @ClintonFdn recently launched its podcast🎙 Subscribe here:…

Today @BillClinton will visit @ClintonGlobal commitment-maker @LoveCityStrong on St. John, to view progress on their commitment.
Will convene hundreds of partners at the @ClintonGlobal Action Network on Post-Disaster Recovery meeting on St. Thomas.
Follow along!


warehouse to help facilitate the rebuilding of homes. The warehouse is now a
sophisticated operation whereby they stockpile enough supplies to rebuild
approximately six homes a week.
frequently back and forth to St. Thomas to buy supplies, and materials are also
shipped from Puerto Rico and the mainland. The warehouse also has the ability to order specialized supplies. #IdeasIntoAction

More tomorrow.

🔜 @UVI_edu for rest of @ClintonGlobal Action Network Meeting.
Quick pit stop on the way. @Rvick17 hard at work.

Kurt Marsh, architect, woodworker & activist, St. John Heritage Collective; Jesus Espinosa, Marine Biology & Environmental Science Teacher, St. Croix Central HS; & Glorymar Rivera Báez, Program Director for Disaster Recovery, Rehace to talk climate change.

My @ClintonGlobal commitment is to put a bow on this thread, and go enjoy the view. #IdeasIntoAction