1. Cattle are a huge store of wealth - even more so in rural/isolated areas. A small herd of cows anywhere in Nigeria is easily worth US$10,000–$20,000. Per capita income is a fraction of that; annual minimum wage an even smaller fraction.
What other personal assets can you find in rural communities that come close to the financial value represented by cows? This makes them an extremely vulnerable target for rustlers - and this is a challenge across Africa, as my first tweet highlights.
“Primary reasons for rise in farmer- pastoralist conflicts in Nigeria are increased pressure on land/water in rural areas, combined w/ weak/non-existent state interventions to mediate/resolve growing tensions.“ c-r.org/downloads/Nige…

“... increasingly, ‘criminal behaviour is being defined by ethnicity & occupation, not by the act itself.’”
This is where failings of media come into full view c-r.org/downloads/Nige…

1/Resist ethnic stereotyping/stigmatization. No ethnic group in Nigeria has monopoly on criminality/banditry
2/Techsavvy youth can help. I’m told a young person in Botswana has developed a livestock tracking system that works online/offline
4. Hold all tiers of Govt to account, incl (& especially) State Govts. Govs have a lot of power to resolve communal conflicts