cx rider days, 11498, down 22% for 31 events, down from five YoY
Goal is to boost outreach to eager riders that might want to try racing
#hotlinetake : bet there are sooo many that are basically pay-to-play groups (looking at you, Hot Spandex Model Teams)
JD reminds #nebrasummit that every region is different for membership requirements

public comments on weather and outliers being an issue (eg., @MidnightRideCX went to weekend)
race addict here says heres to all three coming back next year
MARBA is being mentioned enough here that someone should fly out @FrankCundiff or someone to talk more
also Colin can be INDEMNIFIED and theres insurance for that so sue away folks (don't actually do that)
**this is mostly @alanatwoodars
*** #nebrasummit looooooooves you, Alan!
Also because @IamMikeOC has a weird love relationship with NEBRA 🤷🏾♂️

@resultsboy comments that he’d “love” for the org to “run out of money” if that meant boosting the sport (eg., smart investing is worthwhile!)


*people is basically @EFTA_MTB . everyone in the room is already savvy to the that particular untapped market
*mike N might bust an artery here
JD reminds that the reg fee should go DOWN to compensate #hotlinetake #notthathot #makescents #puns
*reposting to main thread
@RasputitsaRide (Heidi) reminds that there are other levers to get women to race
cool anecdotal example of targeting female runners to try Cross (S Weigard?) then offering discounted reg
JD tosses out a Club of the Year Award as an incentive
presidency has changed you, yo #nebrasummit
whether or not the discussion focuses on quality of events, this is a nice shift towards that as a the driving KPI for events

this is HUGE, because John Frey knows specific logistics relevant to bike race events, which is money/time saved
best possible step of @nebranews for being there for promoters
also a good #nebrasummit point, continuing the discussion on driving the value and worth of BikeReg/NEBRA "partnership"
JD says yes, because it's a memento of an event. if you only do a few events and are social media-ing your event, the little extra to customize is a damm good deal

that along deserves it's own report, it'll get it's own thread, but ohhhhh man, I'll say this:
If you were there, I hope you were paying attention. Because Heidi and Anthony GET IT
Hope you like Twitter, Jesse!
Hodges say it was a call to Rob, asking if he had references, Rob said, "Why not me?"
They get a free coupon to a discounted membership code!

THIS IS IMPORTANT. You NEED an RD to host an event. It is one of the first steps NEEDED to get that USAC permit. Being a part of a USAC club gets you one, you can also get one separately (ask @JDBilodeau how!) #nebrasummit . This is what he's paid for, get at him #CustomerSupport #nebrasummit
#hotlinetake : maybe if not an event, a USAC club could advertise and insure club rides
SUCK IT MARBA #dontactaullysuckit #💕
Never heard of it? welcome to promoting
brush up and get ready if you're a last-minute promoter- might be a new UI #nebrasummit
premiums went up. two claims this year, nothing a 'surprise' if you promote, but so's not crashing your car. It happens, that's why you have insurance, but if you cash in on that premiums go up
so yeah, that's what happened to insurance increase
congratulations, two incidents that drove up USAC insurance
#HOLDYOURTEMPER #nebrasummit
public question by meeee on what mechanisms are available from USAC for this #nebrasummit
"Any other grievances Or did you get that out of your system already?"
*thanks for the leadout, @RasputitsaRide #grumblersgonnagrumble
maybe it's the beer talking, but I almost don't want to talk about this, because it's a stomach dropping topic, hearing this stuff. sooo pic time:
he sits on the phone and talks with RD who are crying because a rider died at their event and not only did someone DIE the RD has massive bills now to pay out from insurance claims that will financially break them #nebrasummit
NO #nebrasummit
Chris De Hahn offers points on proper pre race warnings as a counter point, Hodges reminds everyone he's not a lawyer
soooo glad @SunapeeRacing is locktight with having lawyers onboard the board
@RasputitsaRide , we didn’t get to this, but this is the tough blowback/risks promoters face. This is a part of the abrasive attitude

He sits for an hour with this riders family
Then, in his words, he “sits before a jury and explains what happened”

"This is a risky sport, and we are here to help you mitigate risks"
totally didn't go to the bathroom to puke #hugyourracefriends
Officials also pool in their event availability. These logistics, this "jigsaw" puzzle, is part of the process
e-mail at #nebrasummit
Concentration on growing ground officials, not doing a new motor officials class. Open request for USAC C Officials from USAC clubs, send interested members, it's on BikeReg:
what's a good hashtag for the NEBRA officials? Truthfully, it's a different pool than promoters. Weigards comment the process is more of an apprenticeship
Really, what better way to save costs than having a team member double up as a USAC Official ? Yeah they'd have to pay to become one, but that's both cheaper and easier to coordinate that booking
planning on looping back through things, at least the @RasputitsaRide session (which covered customer engagement, embracing your #brand , and best social media practices*)
*which was actually legitimately NEW ideas, not just 'gram more
@threadreaderapp , unroll