Learn from financial history. Very low understanding and appreciation of the discipline. #MAW @CFASocietyIndia
"Zebra in a lion country"
The institutional imperative to fail agreeably @Kuntalhshah #MAW @CFASocietyIndia
1637: Tulip Mania
Price of "Gouda Tulip Bulbs" #MAW @CFASocietyIndia
Book Recco: "Mississippi Bubble:Memoirs of John Law"
"We are in the Goldilocks situation"
Elevated debt levels and rock bottom interest rates, implying very low policy room. #MAW @CFASocietyIndia
He asks if we have any of our Singletons? @CFASocietyIndia #MAW
Calls Dr. Kurien, HT Parent #MAW @CFASocietyIndia
"When the crowd shifts to a ship, that ship will sink", alludes @Kuntalhshah

It's a menagerie, says @Kuntalhshah at #MAW @CFASocietyIndia