The following article I wrote has references to over 1200 studies on nutrition, including Randomized Control Trials. 👉arespectfullife.com/2018/06/25/why…

Note that this is the study commissioned by Taubes' NuSI group to prove the carbohydrate-insulin-obesity link and the scientists said nope, not true.
"coronary heart disease is reduced by replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fats"
"Eat food, not too much, mostly plants, and not dripping in coconut oil or butter"
#LCHF #keto #ketodiet #LCHF-raud
“The energy equation – that calories consumed=calories expended +/- calories stored (as body fat or glycogen)—is always true.”
In other words it is NOT the carbs! Lose weight = calorie deficit!
Dr. Kevin Hall declares the insulin hypothesis of obesity "falsified"
Best is #PlantBasedDiet: Comparative effectiveness of plant-based diets for weight loss: a randomized controlled trial of five different diets. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25592014

by Stephan Guyenet, PhD @whsource
SOURCE: wholehealthsource.blogspot.com/2015/11/carboh… …

by Christopher Labos MD, MSc @drlabos - proclaimed "Cardiologist, epidemiologist, medical debunker" mcgill.ca/oss/article/he…
@One_Angry_Chef Great blog post! 👉angry-chef.com/blog/thermidor…

Source: sci-fit.net/ketogenic-diet…

*127 Fasting Glucose (pre-#T2DM)
*HbA1c 6.3 (#Diabetic)
#PlantBased #plantBasedDiet #LCHF-raud!

#keto #ketosis #ketodiet #ketogenic #ketogenicdiet #vegan #diet #weightlossmotivation #weightloss #weightlossjourney #LCHF #lowcarb