@chriskresser "Let's step back a little bit... total mortality is the most important endpoint we should be talking about..." WHOA!!! Who do you know, dear reader, who pounds the All-Cause Mortality Drum every single day? (Hint: )
Thaaaaaaaaank you, @chriskresser. I've been feeling so lonely on this seemingly All Too Obvious Crusade.
..at 1:41:00 @drjkahn : "It takes a heretical conspiracy attitude to say, 'everybody's got it wrong for 60 years', 21 international societies have it wrong." -- while I've brushed off most of the appeals to authority to this point... this one was a biggie.
Jamie off-camera: "What did I do?"
😂 Props to Jamie for sticking up for himself.
@chriskresser goes on to make a concession on what he's "open to the possibility for..." with regard to high levels of methionine in the absence of glycine, nutrients like b12, b6, and folate, "some of the animal studies suggest this can impact longevity..."...
@chriskresser explains this is why he advocates nose-to-tail to ensure the nutrition compliment.
... Sorry, gonna have to pause again... (you understand)
@chriskresser : "All that you have said which I agree with... is that a plant or vegan-based kind of diet compared to a Standard American Diet will reverse markers of atherosclerosis."...