Let's be real, no matter what else happened, this will forever be the week that Trump tweeted about Bitcoin. How’d we get here, and what does it mean?
Strap in friends, it’s long reads time! 👇
(art @CryptoScamHub)

As you guys know, I’ve been doing a daily livestream - 3 topics, 3 minutes each, 3pm EST. But now it’s available as a podcast!
Check it out!
Spotify: open.spotify.com/show/2lEH6JKmL…
iTunes: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cry…
Now back to the content!
Or, even more crisply:
The most influential central banker in America
1) said he could see a return to an era of multiple currencies; and that
2) Bitcoin was being used as a speculative SoV.
On Thursday night, every other conversation came to a screeching halt as crypto denizens from Twitter to Telegram came out to holler about this doozy
This sentiment was exemplified by @paranoidbull
And by @jerallaire
And Slate covered @prestonjbyrne’s response slate.com/technology/201…
@pierre_rochard did a great summary with clips
Podcast at: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cry… or vid below periscope.tv/NathanielWhitt…
Day 1:
Day 2:
Look out for the top 5 video edition with @BLOCKTVnews tomorrow!
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