Feb. 7: Senate "Watergate committee" formed to investigate possible campaign violations by both sides, NOT impeachment
May 17: Senate televised hearings begin
June 27: John Dean reveals existence of "enemies list" during Senate hearing
Feb. 6: House authorizes Judiciary Committee impeachment inquiry. It begins not with hearings, but by issuing subpoenas in April, then litigating the WH's refusal to comply
June 15: Woodward & Bernstein's "All the President's Men" hits bookstores
June 27: Senate Watergate committee issues final report
July 24: SCOTUS orders Nixon to produce tapes
Aug. 8: Nixon resigns
1. There were 15 months of televised NON-"impeachment" hearings before "impeachment" hearings began.
2. The House committee considering impeachment began not with public hearings, but by issuing and litigating subpoenas.
4. Precisely because this groundwork has been laid, Nixon folded just 3 months after official impeachment hearings started.
2. "Impeachment" isn't as magical as people think: lawfareblog.com/what-powers-do…
3. Nixon didn't refuse to give CONGRESS tapes; he refused the special prosecutor: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_St…. So: apples/oranges.