The Trump administration has quietly dismantled or cut back multiple programs that were created after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to help detect and prevent terrorism involving weapons of mass destruction…
“What we
“We’re not as secure as we were 18 months ago,”
Among the programs gutted since 2017, however, was an elite Homeland Security
Experts at Homeland Security’s National
The center has been reduced to a shell
Also cut back was the use of specialized, mobile detection units to
For the first time in years Homeland Security did not send a unit to protect the NCAA Final 4 college basketball championship in April in Minneapolis or to an annual hot air balloon festival in Albuquerque
Overall, more than 100 scientists and policy experts
“The real thing could happen tomorrow with no warning, and the only practice our defenders are going to have is through these ‘red team’ studies and actual
The changes have undermined the US gov's multi-agency commitment since 2006 to build and maintain a “global nuclear detection architecture”
@maddow @SenBlumenthal @SenatorDurbin…