Yes. LABOUR. Supposed to be dedicated to uplifting the poor. Protecting jobs. Raising working standards
Scorn on them all
"80% of MPs were elected on a manifesto that said we would deliver Brexit", the implication is that all Labour MPs should back no-deal over revoking Article 50. What does she think that would do to Labour's vote, when so many of its supporters are Remain?
“It is a sign of how Labour's no-deal converts are contorting themselves that Lewell-Buck, one of whose main interests as an MP is tackling food poverty, is willing to back a measure that risks creating food poverty on steroids”
What venal and unstatesmanlike conduct.
I am shocked beyond meansure that LABOUR MPs are either so dim or so careless of the well-being of the poorest for whom they are responsible because they are too weak to tell them the truth and do the job of a stateswoman.
Educate & persuade.
Keep the record for the Inquiry