Your orders were to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump.” Why then, did you limit it to only “criminal conspiracy?”…

Did you ever specifically state in your report that there was “no collusion” between suspected agents of the “Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of Donald Trump”?
Your report does NOT state that you concluded Trump campaign DID NOT conspire with Russia, but only that you could find no “tacit or express agreement” with the Russian government. Did you find other evidence suggesting conspiracy??

You refer to DOJ Policy prohibiting indictment of a sitting President. This policy is based on a 1973 OLC memo. Did you ever discuss with anyone the possibility of obtaining a NEW legal opinion specifically applying to the circumstances of this President?

Did you ever specifically state in your report that there was “no collusion” between suspected agents of the “Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of Donald Trump”?

You stated; “We conclude that Congress has authority to prohibit a President’s corrupt use of his authority.” What specific Congressional authority were you referring to? Did you find any such corrupt uses of authority by Trump?

Even though it’s not a crime for Trump to have sex in Russian hotels, in your investigation did you become aware of any recordings of Trump having sex acts in what was purported to be a Russian hotel room? Have you seen any such recordings?