#QAnon got busy today and we are definitely ramping up. Be vigilant & keep your head on a swivel- as the heat gets turned up we all know what the #Demo game plan will be. See something- Say something. Watch @DevinNunes here 1st:
When the original 'insurance' policy expires [MUELLER] and you must attempt to 'protect' those in harms way by re_applying BLOCKADE + maintain leftist hatred & FAKE NEWS narrative you………..
*Create new narrative out of thin air- NO evidence.

At what stage in the game do you play the TRUMP card?
* I think you hold the Trump card until you have the #DeepState FULLY committed. Once they are 'ALL-In' there is no ability to defend and there is no way to walk away without losing everything. We are VERY near.

Why have there been no arrests?-
There have been hundreds already. Watch the DoJ website- the fraud cases are coming fast and furious. The human trafficking cases are almost daily. justice.gov
Because #QAnon is does not drop intel intended to be translated on a 1:1 basis. This is one of the reasons that I have transitioned from 'decoding' to taking current events and tying them to previous Q-Drops. FPP

Pay attention! Dis-information is different from Mis-information. Dis-information is accurate intel that is given on a varying timetable. MIS-information is false intel that is designed to lead someone down a wrong path. #QAnon
-Information available without any special access.
Define 'public purview'.-
-What the public is allowed to see/what is reported.
Do we let our enemies walk through the front door?- By no means. We lure them into our traps.
-The ability of people to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any damnable actions committed by others in an organizational hierarchy because of a lack of evidence that can confirm their participation, even if they were personally involved.
What are the duties of the DOJ?- Prosecute criminal activity-Federal and set the enforcement standards nationally.
When does MIL INTEL have jurisdiction?- Under National Emergency/Threat
Think 'umbrella surv'.- NSA is a POWERFUL org. Once this is done, they will be reigned in.
What is the role of the AG?- TOP LEO of the Land.
Does the AG oversee the firing of FBI & DOJ senior/mid/lower staff?- YES
How many FBI & DOJ were FIRED/FORCED?- 20+ I do not have an up to date list.
What time period did this occur?- March 2017
Who appointed and tasked HUBER?- Sessions
Who appointed and tasked the OIG?- [Hussein], but neutered during administration.
Who was AG?- [LL]
Transfer from AG1 to AG2?- Yes. Sessions>Barr- Whitaker was the key. Sessions COS> AAG> Advisor under Barr.
Why might that be important?- Continuance of investigation W/O loss of information/restart
Optics are important.- VERY important in order to draw the enemy into your trap. Important for public acceptance.
Think Whitaker.- Acting AG. Specific agenda to transition information.
Define 'stage set'.- All the pieces are in place & the timing is right.
What 'stage' experience did this person have?- Previous run as AG
Think Bill Clinton impeachment.- Experience, knowledge from the inside of the swamp. #QAnon
If the 'stage' is clean, can the performance begin?- This week will be INTERESTING!
Logical thinking.-
Complete DESTRUCTION of the SWAMP system. #QAnon
Ask yourself a very simple, logical, question.
What is a FISA warrant/application?- Defined below.
Is it a highly confidential [safeguarded] product of the UNITED STATES GOV?-YES

Think call to POTUS to prevent DECLAS [sources & methods].- Allies Panic
If not tasked & targeted under FVEY - what legal authority existed to engage the targeting?- NO OFFICIAL program- ROGUE.
Did the dossier provide the 'bulk data' anchor for the spy campaign?- YES, but under fraudulent pretense to the FISC.
What entity paid for the 'research' dossier?- [HRC]/DNC
What US Ally completed the collection of false data?- UK
Why was it important to use sources within the UK vs. US?- Cover/Plausible Deniability.
How do you circumvent US LAW?- Go outside the US.
[DECLAS will show].- They (deep state) devised, planned, implemented and executed the 'INSURANCE POLICY'. #QAnon
Why didn't FISC require 'in room' presentations of the data prior to 'sign off'?- Relationships between the judges and the presenters. #QAnon
How do you repair a bridge without closing it down?- Prop it up while building a new bridge. #QAnon
abc4.com/news/local-new…📁- Informative article concerning the new Attorneys working for Huber- and their specialty. PAIN is coming.
"Huber says every one of the prosecutors is already handling about twenty cases."- So how many attorneys does he have? 470+


foxnews.com/politics/hilla…📁- FEAR- Desperation.
Full-scale attack.- They are calling in every favor to attempt to blitz the media, censor the conservatives, prolong the narrative and RALLY their troops.
March Madness.- This is a major information war.
Prepare.- Vigilance

(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and
Because no evidence exists(ed) and/or was found by SC/Mueller, was scope #2 enacted in an attempt to go outside of the 'intended engagement'?-
-I think Scope #2 was allowing investigation into who REALLY colluded.
Why is scope #2 classified only to AG/DAG and a select few others (read at terminal only)?- Avoid leaks.
If 'evidence' exists(ed), why did R+D members of the Senate conclude NO DIRECT EVIDENCE EXISTS …………..?- It doesn't exist. #QAnon
If 'evidence' exists(ed), as per your statement released today, again, why did the SENATE (R's + D's) JUST CONCLUDE NO EVIDENCE EXISTS?- It doesn't exist. Rest easy. lol
-They are waking up everyday, but when Mueller drops, there will be a mass exodus.
They have gotten less and less though. I have noticed a huge difference. Many are BOT accts now.
Control of the Narrative.- MIS-information.
If enough people state the same thing w/o providing evidence and/or support does it become FACTUAL to those caught in the loop?- YES
twitter.com/tedlieu📁-#QAnon drops the photo from @realDonaldTrump's inaugration. Lieuser has a 'fake' photo as his twit banner. Called out.
You should update your T-banner pic to properly reflect the crowd size when the event actually started.- #FakeNews - many forms

#QAnon links to an Anon graphic post on the 7 second delta.
>>5489614 (/pb)
[7] seconds?
We are getting closer to 0:00:00.
How is that possible?
Close proximity?- Same person operating the devices? Legit!

Anon posts about the 'Meet the press' tweet being deleted- #QAnon links and says:
The power of the People.- Red-Pills galore- must kill the source- our own tweet..lol
Tweet deleted.

Anon posts a GREAT graphic for the BAKERS PATCH. Kudos Galore.
#QAnon responds: You are the news now.

- I know the graphic is a little small, but it is very well done. Crazy Crooked {HRC] is struggling with the reality that it's ALL over. #QAnon

video.foxnews.com/v/600953545900… - I told all of you at the beginning of this thread that @DevinNunes interview with @MariaBartiromo on @SundayFutures was a MUST WATCH. Check the timestamps- ahead of the game #NinjaNews @Qanon.

📁- Levin did an entire hour with the founder of the #WalkAway movement, @usminority Brandon Straka. Excellent interview Brandon, and thank you @marklevinshow for presenting this information.
#QAnon simply says: On the schedule.

#QAnon links us to the #WalkAway Documonial. This video allows multiple former #Demos to share their #WalkAway story. Laying out the REAL EVIDENCE in what @realDonaldTrump has done for the minority voice within our Country.

#QAnon responds in D-2954: 📁
The Great Awakening.- Sheep NO MORE!
Q: Why would China and other countries need to hire lobbyists to influence our Gov't?
A: We should require all House/Senate to disclose the $$ they have taken from foreign lobbyists

MLK correlation?
Perhaps the 'coded message' that seems to be a continuance?
That he is saying in the 10/18/17 tweet: 'We must stick together, or we're all going down?
Or that in the 1/21/19 tweet he seems to be saying: 'We need to do what we HAVE to do'?
Excellent analytics from an Anon-
36 times
36 times
36 times
36 times
36 times
36 times
Trump and #QAnon have posted on a [Zero Delta].
Let that sink in......

Anon compiled the graphic for [Hussein] trips v @POTUS.