I'm going to give you some of the most important lessons I've learned over the years.
These took me AGES to discover, and will help you to gain more muscle and lose more fat.
Definitely save this thread.
Let's go:
The typical person eats all day long. Usually ~16 hrs.
It's just WAY too easy to eat too many calories, and if you DO stick to your calorie deficit, you'll be starving.
Easy fat loss = condensing that eating window.
I learned this one very early on.
I would always crash by 11am, and funnily enough, my body fat was also at its' highest point when I was doing this.
Save your carbs until later.
If you get these wrong, you get everything else wrong.
Want to lose weight?
You MUST make the conscious effort to be in a deficit.
Want to get bigger?
You MUST make the conscious effort to be in a surplus.
A lot of fat loss success will come from:
"How badly do you want it?"
We do have limited willpower, but in order to maximise this, we need to keep ourselves focused on the goal, and keeping distractions to a minimum.
Nothing makes you consume more calories than you need, than these two.
Alcohol lowers inhibitions.
Sugar is like crack.
You won't be consistent if you have them in your diet.
From a body composition standpoint, at least.
"You can't out-train a bad diet" is very true, and I fell under this category for a long time (despite training hard) until I eliminated the sugar from my diet.
I only discovered this about 4 years ago, but once I did, I never looked back.
NOTHING works as well as this for successfully maintaining a VERY lean state year-round.
For diet adherence.
Now, you don't need as much as you think for muscle gain, but in terms of satiation and sticking to your diet during fat loss, you'll need a lot of protein.
Very important for getting ripped.
If you work in an office, travel a lot, or have kids, you NEED to meal prep.
If you work from home all the time, then you probably don't.
But most men are too easily swayed by the external world, and meal prep helps A LOT.
Combine meat, veggies and fruit with Intermittent Fasting, and you'll be lean before you know it.
Ask yourself:
"Could caveman-me have eaten this?"
If the answer is no, don't eat it.
- Starving
- Rebounding
- Having no social life
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