The same way @awscloud powers all of the apps you can’t live with out and never knew would exist ten years ago
From money to Web 3.0 the world is going to run a lot differently in the future. It already is
More likely dApps will leverage the cloud for storage and/or compute, where users hold the keys instead of the apps themselves or state is stored on a public chain
I come across random projects (and layer 1 chains using AWS to run their nodes) that are using AWS to power themselves
🔸Cloud + Public Blockchain
Makes way more sense than
🔺Private blockchain + public blockchain
The former we’re using (cloud) speed/scale + (BC) immutability and user owned data
The latter is the former, but with more restrictions: if run on AWS
There are dozens of layer 2 projects being built to achieve scale without having to rely on a centralized party (AWS or party building solution on AWS) that may negate the need for the cloud + public blockchain
It all hinges on a viral, non custodian scaling method
Outside of hard numbers, the large majority Of apps run on AWS Or Azure (more biz workloads)
Snapchat, E-mail, Video, Netflix, it’s all on the cloud. The cloud providers are behemoths