49 Twitter #OSINT Tools Thread 👇🏻🔎🔥
1. Advanced Twitter Search (Custom Options) twitter.com/search-advanced
2. Twitter Location Search (Enter GPS) twitter.com/search?q=geoco… #Twitter

3. Twitter Time Search (Enter Dates and Keyword) twitter.com/search?q=Bomb since:2012-01-01 until:2012-01-02
4. Topsy (Occasional Deleted Posts) topsy.com
5. All My Tweets (Entire Archive) allmytweets.net/index.php
#osint #Twitter
6. MentionMapp (Closest Friends) mentionmapp.com
7. First Tweet (Display Date Joining Twitter) discover.twitter.com/first-tweet
8. First Tweet (Display the first Tweet of many ReTweets) ctrlq.org/first/
#osint #Twitter
9. TweetTunnel (Display Chronological Friends) tweettunnel.info/firstpre.php
10. ConWeets (Isolate Twitter Conversations) conweets.com
11. Gwittr (Twitter Profile Data) gwittr.com
#osint #Twitter
12. FollerMe (Twitter Analytics) foller.me
13. TwtrLand (Twitter Profile Data) twtrland.com
14. Nearby Tweets (Posts by Location) nearbytweets.com
15. GeoChirp (Twitter Mapped Data) geochirp.com
#osint #Twitter
16. GeoSocial Footprint (Mapped Posts) geosocialfootprint.com
17. TweetPaths (Mapped Tweets by User) tweetpaths.com/maps
18. TeachingPrivacy (Mapped Tweets by User) app.teachingprivacy.com
19. EchoSec (Mapped Tweets) app.echosec.net
#osint #Twitter
20. CoEverywhere (Mapped Posts) coeverywhere.com
21. Now Tweets (Live by Location) nowtweets.com
22. MIT Map (Mapped Tweets) mapd.csail.mit.edu/tweetmap/
23. Harvard Map (Mapped Tweets) worldmap.harvard.edu/tweetmap/
#osint #Twitter
24. OMTM (Mapped Tweets) onemilliontweetmap.com
25. TweetDeck (Real Time Monitoring) web.tweetdeck.com
26. HootSuite (Live Data Stream) hootsuite.com/feed/TEST+Sear…
27. Twitterfall (Real Time Search) twitterfall.com
#osint #Twitter
28. Twitter Name Search (Twitter Name Search) twitter.com
29. Twellow (Twitter Search) twellow.com
30. Twitonomy (Twitter Analytics) twitonomy.com
31. Fake Followers (Identifies Fake Accounts) socialbakers.com/twitter/fakefo…
#osint #Twitter
32. Status People (Identifies Fake Accounts) fakers.statuspeople.com
33. TagWalk (Twitter Account Data) tagwalk.com
34. Twitalyzer (Twitter Account Data) twitalyzer.com
35. TweetReach (ID ReTweets) tweetreach.com
#osint #Twitter
36. Twicsy (Live Twitter Photos) twicsy.com
37. TwitCaps (Twitter Photo Search) twitcaps.com
38. TwitPic (Twitter Photos) twitpic.com
39. SleepingTime (Twitter Sleep Schedule) sleepingtime.org
#osint #Twitter
40. BackTweets (Search Links Posted) backtweets.com
41. Followerwonk (Analyze Associates) followerwonk.com/analyze
42. TweepSect (Analyze Associates) tweepsect.com
43. Followerwonk (Analyze Users) followerwonk.com/compare
#osint #Twitter
44. Followerwonk (Locate Profiles by Interest) followerwonk.com/bio/?q=constru…
45. Tweet Topic Explorer tweettopicexplorer.neoformix.com
46. Keyhole (Real Time Tracking) keyhole.com
#osint #Twitter
47. Historic Deleted Tweets undetweetable.com
48. Twitter Directory (Users by Name) twitter.com/i/directory/pr…
49. Tweet Alarm (Alerts from Twitter) tweetalarm.com
#osint #Twitter