A growing thread of analyses on #Article370 and #JammuAndKashmir – from all sides – follows.
But first, this informative and contextual speech by @AmitShah in Rajya Sabha – do watch
@sushantsareen: India’s red line on J&K has been reiterated and reaffirmed orfonline.org/expert-speak/g… via @orfonline
@KanchanGupta: With 50 presidential orders expanding the scope and role of Union Government, nothing much remained of #Article370 but it stood like a rock between alienation and integration. That rock got blasted on Monday orfonline.org/expert-speak/t… via @orfonline
@pbmehta: The BJP thinks it is going to Indianise Kashmir. But, instead, what we will see is potentially the Kashmirisation of India indianexpress.com/article/opinio… via @IndianExpress
@Iyervval: Expect furious media reactions, but as far as foreign governments go, all you will get is indifference or silence, and silence as they say is acquiescence theprint.in/opinion/on-art… via @ThePrintIndia
@BDUTT: The @narendramodi government has scored a political victory. But will it alter the course of the 29-year-old insurgency in the Kashmir valley? washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/… via @washingtonpost
@anirbanganguly: @narendramodi is accomplishing for India what Mookerjee had set out to do hindustantimes.com/india-news/mod… via @htTweets
@rammadhavbjp: Abrogation of Articles 370 and 35A is a much-needed step for the complete emotional integration of people of Jammu and Kashmir with the Indian Union indianexpress.com/article/opinio… via @indianexpress
@TheJaggi: The only real losers in this change — assuming the law passes — are those who believe in the dismemberment of India, the tukde-tukde gang, “liberals” with more mischief than common sense in mind, and Pakistan swarajyamag.com/politics/saat-… via @SwarajyaMag
Harsh Pant: @narendramodi government’s latest move shows it is not only serious about consolidating India’s frayed peripheries but is also cognizant of aspirations of a state that has become a cesspool of violence and degenerative politics thediplomat.com/2019/08/the-mo…
@atahasnain53: What the government needs to be mindful of is attempts by disparate groups to spread rumours and instigate communal tension timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/toi-edit…
@MalikAshok: Here is the first full paper after abrogation of #Article370 by @narendramodi govt orfonline.org/research/jammu… via @orfonline
A treasure of information, context, history, politics, this paper, by my colleague, is essential reading for all scholars tracking Kashmir.
@chitraSD: The religious aspect that is brought to bear internationally on the issue will no longer be part of India’s foreign policy math. Let that sink in livemint.com/opinion/column…
@husainhaqqani: Pakistan’s desire for an international solution to Kashmir seems farther from the realm of possibility than ever theprint.in/opinion/pakist…
@harshvshringla: This is what @PMOIndia @narendramodi and the government seeks to address [in Kashmir]: bring investments, resuscitate the economy, integrate J&K economically with rest of India video.foxnews.com/v/607208513300…
Do watch this 5:29-minute video
@rashtrapatibhvn: I am confident that the recent changes made in Jammu-Kashmir and Ladakh...will enable the people to access and enjoy the same rights, same privileges and same facilities as their fellow citizens in the rest of the country presidentofindia.nic.in/speeches-detai…
@PMOIndia @narendramodi on #Article370: Politics comes and goes but steps in the interest of the nation are paramount
@sreemoytalukdar: the @narendramodi government’s proactive move to revoke J&K's “autonomy” and turn it into a Union Territory has put the onus on Pakistan to react, and so far Pakistan has been struggling to come up with a viable response firstpost.com/india/pakistan…
@rahulpandita: It takes effort to speak to a cross-section of Kashmiris: families of policemen, people from Shia community, and other silent ones who cannot openly say they are okay with 370’s abrogation because they will be killed m.timesofindia.com/home/sunday-ti…
@chidu77: Chinese and Pakistani diplomats bolted after making “spurious claims” on the outcome of the meeting, misrepresenting sentiments of the UNSC; New Delhi stood up to scrutiny and took a range of questions -- including from Pakistani scribes m.timesofindia.com/india/did-indi…
@rajnathsingh: If at all there have to be any talks with Pakistan they will be on Pakistan occupied Kashmir -- and only when it stops aiding and abetting terrorism m.timesofindia.com/articleshow/70…
@MalikAshok: China understands that India is playing for the long term. It is alarmed not by today’s realities – but tomorrow’s possibilities m.hindustantimes.com/analysis/kashm…
@davidfrawleyved: India's new Kashmir policy represents the spirit of Arjuna arising in the people of India, its political parties, and above all in its national identity and resolve zeenews.india.com/blogs/article-…
@PMOIndia to @realDonaldTrump: Extreme rhetoric and incitement to anti-India violence by certain leaders in the region [he is referring to Pakistani PM @ImranKhanPTI's rants after abrogation of #Article370] was not conducive to peace pmindia.gov.in/en/news_update…
@suhasinih: Abrogation of #Article370 is in tune with a global trend -- unilateralism thehindu.com/opinion/lead/t…
@ImranKhanPTI: My worry is that this can escalate and for two nuclear-armed countries, it should be alarming for the world.
@harshvshringla: We expect Pakistan to take credible, irreversible and verifiable action against terrorism.
@rammadhavbjp: Kashmir needs a new leadership, built not on the separatist narrative of the 20th century but on the development narrative of the 21st century
@AmitShah: Article 370 in its original form and Article 35A were not compatible with India’s development aspirations and promoted separatism timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/toi-edit…
Harsh Pant: There is no major constituency left in India today that has a favourable view of China. If China has a long-term strategy of containing India, then India can just as easily adopt a strategy of challenging China’s core interests livemint.com/opinion/online…
@MohanCRaja: China wants to take advantage of India’s problems in Kashmir. Pakistan is losing its mind on Kashmir. But the world has other problems at hand than Kashmir indianexpress.com/article/opinio…
@RahulGandhi: I disagree with this Govt. on many issues. But, let me make this absolutely clear: Kashmir is India’s internal issue & there is no room for Pakistan or any other foreign country to interfere in it m.timesofindia.com/india/kashmir-…
@rama_rajeswari: We need to bring in unequivocal and unambiguous voices under one institutional roof to counter Pakistan’s fifth-generation warfare using frustrated non-state warriors against nation-states timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/khaki-da…
@ImranKhanPTI: amid empty threats, rhetorical rants and strategic frustration painted on his face, Pakistani Prime Minister's rabble rousing is headed to nowhere land
@AartiTikoo: Between territorial integrity and the right to self-determination in a democratic State, surely the former must take precedence economictimes.indiatimes.com/blogs/Tic-Tac-…
@IndoPac_Info (HT @KanchanGupta): Data shared by security forces points to Pakistan’s regular attempts to...provide cover to terrorists attempting to infiltrate into J&K
[Apparently, #FATF blacklisting ahead means little to Pakistan.]
@chidu77: Barely cognisant of areas ranging from the arts to architecture to archeology it inherited, an artificially wrought nation [Pakistan] does not revere Indian subcontinent’s civilisational legacy enough to protect or promote it timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/ruminati…
@Tim_Roemer: Pakistan PM @ImranKhanPTI hypes the Kashmir situation, personally attacks PM @narendramodi, and increases volatility in the region m.timesofindia.com/articleshow/70…
@PrakashJavdekar: We do not foresee any war (with Pakistan). Pakistan is nervous. In the whole world, they are being ridiculed indianexpress.com/article/india/…
@OfficialDGISPR: Kashmir is our jugular vein dawn.com/news/amp/15034…
[That delusional jugular vein has been cut. If Pakistan doesn't reform, #FATF blacklisting will bleed it to insignificance.]
@tilakdevasher1: For Pakistani leadership, especially the army, to reduce the salience of Kashmir cause would be politically dangerous. But if it doesn't let go, Pakistan would accelerate its march towards the abyss indianexpress.com/article/opinio…
@DrSJaishankar: Would you talk to someone who is conducting terrorism against you? politico.eu/article/q-and-…
@rajnathsingh: India has never been an aggressor in its history nor will it ever be. But that does not mean that India would balk at using its strength to defend itself m.timesofindia.com/india/india-op…
@Sandeep_IPS_JKP: Those who killed Ranjoor Kashmiri, those who push children to stone-pelting and those who ripped off Shopian’s peace are all connected by a sinister design dailyo.in/lite/politics/…
@rahulpandita: Kashmiri Hindus constituted 15 percent of Valley’s population in 1941. Comes down to 0.1 percent in 1991
[This thread is as painful as it is informative.]
Ajit Doval: It’s a stimulant and response situation reuters.com/article/us-ind…
@ImranKhanPTI: Pity the Pakistanis -- their Prime Minister, a global embarrassment, is now resorting to #FakeNews narratives
Kanwal Sibal: former foreign secretary gives a powerful reply to @ImranKhanPTI's propaganda-rant, carried unthinkingly and unquestioningly by @nytimes -- essential reading esamskriti.com/e/National-Aff… HT @NayyarSanjeev
Vasundhara Singh and @oommen: Pakistan’s knee-jerk decision to suspend trade with India could have created a barrier of access to medicines for Pakistani population -- hence the U-turn orfonline.org/expert-speak/p…
[Pakistani terrorists do not heal Pakistanis -- Indian drugs do.]
@peaceforchange: images below are self explanatory.
This man, a serving Major General, is the Spokesperson of Pakistan Armed Forces @OfficialDGISPR.
PS: Rs 900 crore may look huge to Pakistan, but is not even a rounding-off error for India.

Goodbye SAARC
Hello Pakistan-free SASEC (South Asia sub-regional Economic Cooperation)
@BDUTT: Journalists should all steer clear of half truths and vast exaggerations [around Kashmir] washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/…
@NayyarSanjeev: The manner in which assembly seats were distributed among Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh so far, has ensured that residents of the Valley rule the state forever rediff.com/news/column/wh…
Secy (East) MEA at UNHRC: "This country conducts cross-border terrorism as a form of alternate diplomacy." -- Must watch
Screenshots via @AdityaRajKaul
[No prizes for guessing which country "This country" is.]

@ImranKhanPTI: Now, the Pakistani Prime Minister plans a "big jalsa in Muzzafarabad on Friday 13 Sept" ... "to show the Kashmiris that Pakistan stands resolutely with them."
[Being silly: the new normal for the Pakistani establishment.]
@PandaJay: Kashmir now has the potential to be infinitely better
@ShashiTharoor: The Kashmir move is a betrayal of democracy
Mahmood Madani, Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind: Kashmir is an integral part of India. There will be no compromise with security and integrity of our country. India is our country and we stand by it
[Short thread.]
@ImranKhanPTI: In 80s we were training these Mujahideen people to do jihad against Soviet when they occupied Afghanistan. So,these people were trained by Pakistan, funded by US's @CIA
@ImranKhanPTI: The Pakistani prime minister has become a bore -- a big, big bore
[Ab bas kar bahi.]
@DrSJaishankar: We have a unique challenge from one neighbour and that would remain a challenge until that neighbour becomes a normal neighbour and acts against cross-border terrorism m.timesofindia.com/india/india-ha…
@khalidbshah: While pro-India Kashmiris seem to have lost moral arguments against separatists and Islamists, separatists are employing a wait and watch strategy
[Ground-zero report cuts through narratives, captures current conversations in Kashmir.]
@MohanCRaja: Reactions of Muslim countries to India’s decision on Kashmir shows political and economic interest bind nations — not ideologies
@ImranKhanPTI who roars like a lion on Kashmir turns into a mouse on China’s repression of Muslims.
We will groom terrorists.
We will export them to India.
Our terrorists may kill Indians.
When India fights back, we will certainly lose.
When we lose, we will nuke.
The world must save us from ourselves.
The world is stupid.
@sushantsareen: For decades, politicians, activists, academics, scribes sought a political solution in Kashmir.
On August 5, the @narendramodi-@AmitShah duo delivered a political solution -- administrative, constitutional, legal orfonline.org/research/a-pol…
@CestMoiz: sharp thread below. Broadly:
"Friday protest!"
"Muslim world!"
@narendramodi: No mention of Pakistan.
@ManishTewari: The shrill drumbeat of Pakistani self-delusion cannot obfuscate the alarming ground realities of that country any longer tribuneindia.com/news/punjab/pa…
@Vikram_Sood: Pakistan’s leadership has lost its way and it is now left only with religious hyperventilation, largely alone except for some support from the @nytimes, the @MayorofLondon and @BBC -- brutal analysis orfonline.org/expert-speak/p…
@harshvshringla: Prime Minister @ImranKhanPTI needs to wake up and smell the tea. Development will happen [in Kashmir], progress will be visible, prosperity will take root and terrorism [from Pakistan] will fail nytimes.com/2019/09/19/opi…
Fitting reply [see 26/n above.]