1) We use a lot of land (much unsustainably)
Humans directly affect ~72% of "global ice-free land surface" & all is impacted by climate change (e.g. through warming & more intense extremes

Our use of land drives #ClimateChange ("agriculture, forestry and other land use" are ~23% of global man-made GHG emissions) & climate change adds stresses so worsens existing risks (e.g. biodiversity & degradation from extremes events)
We need to limit #ClimateChange, restore nature and ensure food security (an important part of sustainable development). Because the land is finite and can be used for different purposes, competition can arise...
Win-win-wins - actions that are good for #ClimateChange adaptation and mitigation can also protect nature and improve food security - BUT, if done at the wrong scale or in the wrong way will see negative trade-offs.

We need to transform the way we use land & cut fossil fuels to secure a climate-safe future
9/9 #SRCCL