.@FerdiGiugliano says she’ll need all her political skills to escape the threat of recession bloom.bg/31FoaE2
Exports account for a much greater share of its GDP compared to other regions:
🇪🇺Euro Zone: 27.9%
🇺🇸U.S.: 12.1% bloom.bg/31FoaE2

1⃣ It can do very little to stop it
2⃣ The currency area has limited tools with which to combat a trade-induced slowdown bloom.bg/31FoaE2
🇪🇺 85.1% of GDP
🇺🇸 105.8%
Deficit levels are much lower too, with Germany enjoying a hefty surplus bloom.bg/31FoaE2

Unemployment dropped to a record low of 3.1%

🔴Leftist Social Democrats
🛠️The Federation of German Industries, a mighty industrial lobby bloom.bg/31BGyOj
With low unemployment and strong domestic demand, there’s time to ponder the right timing bloom.bg/31BGyOj

Countries in trouble, such as Italy, would benefit only a little from any cross-border spillover effects of extra German spending bloom.bg/31FoaE2

Chances of success: Slim. The euro zone has a masochistic tendency to act only in a crisis bloom.bg/31FoaE2