#uxa2019 #UXAustralia
We are here to talk about our experiences working with different people.
Sam is asking people to stand up and sit down of you've never interacted with a disabled person.
Everyone is standing.
We'll have some tips and stories about when they got it wrong working with disabled people.
Today's talk will focus on:
Everyone is born in
All means all
Everyone needs support
Everyone can contribute
—Less inclusive design means basics needs are not met.
—People might not feel safe moving around the world they're in
—We design for ourselves and forget about others
—We design people out
—We embed bias and assumption into machines expected to make human decisions.
"The resilient young man"
"Confined to their wheelchairs"
Don't talk about people like this.
Mo said he felt dehumanised and wasn't able to get a sexual health test.
This is a very common experience from the disability community. Health services are often brutal.
We can't revert back to post it's Texas and touch screens.