Practical Ideas to fight DARK MONEY
AMERICAN SWAMP Marathon tonight on MSNBC
#AmericanSwamp @KatyTurNBC @jacobsoboroff
#DarkMoney #KochDarkMoney #DavidKoch #MoscowMitch
A nonprofit group #CitizensUnited
Supreme Court ruled that Corporations had the same rights as individuals and political spending was a form of free speech
TWO Restrictions
● Donors must be disclosed see OPENSECRETS.ORG
● not allowed to work for a Candidate directly
A kind of #MoneyLaundering for political influence in DC anonymous networks including 🚫 foreign govt
Some r not & allow dark money into political system
Heritage Action for America
Students First
Patriotic Majority
Crossroads GPS
Action AM American Majority
Fuels America
American Bridge
Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions
💥Make sure people you don't want to turn out at the polls
▶️ Don't turn out
💥Use Specifically Targeted Fears & ANGER among people in a certain GPS area to discourage people from voting that candidate
2016 Republicans spent
2018 Democrats spent the most by 70 million
2020 Trump campaign plan to raise $1 billion for ReElection
Will the Corporations control the People's Policies of Government
or Will the People take control the Policies of Our Government over Corporations
MT Gov Bullock made sure Montanas aware
'The Disclosure Act' being challenged in US Supreme Court
United as One in
Passions and Interests as the Majority can
Overcome the Oppressors and Dividers.
E Pluribus Unum
@amyklobuchar @JoeBiden @PeteButtigieg @CoryBooker @KamalaHarris @BetoORourke @ewarren @harrisonjaime @JoeCunninghamSC

Citizens United can not fix itself in the current
Due to the Dark Money Climate and laws.
ONLY Calls & demands By a United American People
#PushMitch4ElectionSecurity #EndCitizensUnited