Sep 13th 2019, 17 tweets, 5 min read
Alright, we gotta talk about your Reticular Activating System.

"The what now?"

This tiny little system at the base of your brain which plays a BIG role in shaping your reality.

Let's talk about how the RAS works and how you can hack it to create the reality you want.

At every moment, your environment is bombarding your brain with millions of bits of data.

There are hundreds of things in your vision...

Your ears are taking in ten different kinds of sounds...

Your skin is experiencing distinct sensations all over your body...
Now your brain can only process so much at a time.

It also needs to make sure you react quickly to any dangers or big opportunities.

So it cannot take in everything at equal value.

This is where your RAS comes in. It acts as a filter and eliminates the white noise.
Ever been in a crowd full of talking people and immediately had your attention drawn towards someone who mentioned your name?

Ever wondered how you instantly notice an insect crawling on the wall even if you’re too focused on your phone?

Your RAS filter is doing that.
What gets through the RAS? Only the stuff that’s important to you.

When any information gets past the RAS, it enters the cerebrum and is then converted into conscious thoughts and emotions.

All of this happens without you even being aware of it.

Pretty cool, right?
Now, the RAS works at an even deeper level.

It helps you see what you’d like to see and so, influences your actions.

Take all your beliefs. They are important to you (blame the ego).

So, the RAS seeks data that validates your beliefs and reaffirms them. (Confirmation Bias)
You literally create your own reality and then operate within that reality. You are what you believe yourself to be.

This is why negative self-talk is so damaging.

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't – you're right.” - Henry Ford

Over their lifetime, most people program their RAS with a lot of self-limiting beliefs and trivial stuff that they consider important.

Most of the time, it happens sub-consciously through the content they consume.

Or through poor role-models in their life.
But, now that we know how the RAS shapes our life, let’s see how we can use it to shape the life we want.

One of the most valuable skills we can ever develop is that of directing our thoughts towards what we want. Constantly.

The problem is, we all want many things at once.
Stop doing that

Decide on two or three goals that you want to achieve in the next six months

Make them specific and measurable. Be intentful (is that a word?)

"When you set your intent, you are marrying your subconscious mind with your conscious will to make something happen."
Constantly remind yourself about your goals.

Write them down. Daily.

Repetition is key.

In doing so, you’ll be re-programming your RAS and telling your brain what to pay attention to.

You’re saying: “THIS IS IMPORTANT”
As a result, you’ll start tuning in to the right information relevant to your goals.

You’ll be more aware of the opportunities in your environment.

And you’ll be more likely to act on them.

This is the simple science behind writing down your goals/visualization/affirmations.
So do that stuff. Write down your goals.

Put them on your phone's lockscreen (H/T to @DejaRu22 for this one)

The more you keep your goals at the top of your mind, the more your subconscious mind will work to reach them.

“What you think about, you bring about”
And be aware of the kind of content you consume.

The accounts you follow, the books you read, the TV shows you watch, the music you listen to, the people you befriend etc

Everything shapes your beliefs and values at the sub-conscious level.

Have no room for negativity.
Remember, intention facilitates perception.

You won’t stumble upon big opportunities going through life staring blankly at the crowd.

But you will spot them unfailingly when you look specifically, exclusively and persistently for them.

"Seek and ye shall find."
If you found this stuff valuable, please RT the first tweet (Would give me a much-needed dopamine hit and incentivize me to write more :)

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Shoutout to Tej (@ComedicBizman) for teaching me this stuff. If you’re not subscribed to his email list, you’re missing out on life-changing ideas.

Oh and you gotta check out this brilliant thread by @YousXP for more actionable steps.

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