Earlier this year, Labour mooted a Corbyn loyalty test for MPs.
It's not as if Corbyn rebelled 148 times against the Labour Govt in 2001-05 alone.
All data/info from the now defunct revolts.co.uk by @philipjcowley & @MarkieStuartie. 1/14

'introducing a raft of measures to with the increased terrorist threat to Britain following the World Trade Center bombing.' 2/14

'certifying suspected international terrorists'
'extradition procedures for international terrorists' 3/14

'creating a new offence of incitement to religious hatred' 4/14

'to restrict the power of the police to search for identifying marks on a suspect.'
'restrict the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defence police' 5/14

Requiring an immigration officer to apply to a magistrate for a warrant before searching the employee records of a suspected illegal immigrant. 7/14

He didn't think an offence which carries a prison sentence of 10 years or more was a 'serious offence'. 8/14

Don't mention a criminals previous bad character. 9/14

Crime & justice: 12/14

The thread later will review the period 2005-10. 14/14