Sep 16th 2019, 9 tweets, 2 min read Read on Twitter
Does it need to be said? President Obama's book and television deals don't need investigating *because he is a private citizen with no government office or power*.
Donald's business dealings, on the other hand... well, the president isn't supposed to have business dealings. It's why we've long made them divest while in office.

Something he can't do because his "business" is a hollow paper shell.
In the grand scheme of things, the kind of money he's skimming off the military, our government, other governments, etc., should be pocket change to a billionaire business tycoon.

But he needs the cash flow to keep his empire afloat, and the appearance of success, too.
Hair Furor's turnabout idea of investigating President Obama's business deals only makes sense if you're operating under the assumption that every government action is partisan, everyone with power uses that power only as a cudgel, and every enforcement action is an attack.
Under that rubric, the umbrage that greets any suggestion that Donald be investigated is not about him being innocent, but that his power is not being respected. He's in office so he should be the one punishing.
You can see the same mindset on the right with regards to Kavanaugh, where some are absolutely sincerely bereft at "the lengths the left will go to, to destroy a man for political reasons" because they can't imagine why else anyone would come forward.
And that is, by the way, how it plays in MAGA land. You can find people all over the Kavanaugh threads talking about the confirmation hearing or the recent revelations the way a lot of progressives talk about their post-2016 wake up calls.
"I used to believe some kind of common ground was possible and then I saw how far they would go to destroy Kavanaugh."
And it definitely needs to be said: the way we as a society deal with sexual assault and harassment, and people (mostly and especially women) who come forward against powerful men... they opened the door to this place.
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