1. Potential candidates & their backgrounds,
2. Main stakeholders
3. Galmudug state key in-house dynamics
4. What might be the end product. Thread. 1/17

A complicated region; cosmopolitan in nature with regards to clan diversity.
Security wise, reliable with the exception of a few districts. 2/17
He is way less relevant now. Handed over his role(s) to FGS. 3/17
1. FGS
2. Opposition groups (UPD, Wadajir)
3. ASWJ ( Sufi)- though with little relevance now
4. Pressure groups with diverse interests (Business people etc). 4/16
Selection of the regional parliament being the most important issue to watch; the game starts with the selection of the MPs. 5/17
- 11 clans constitute the power sharing formula of Galmudug.
- 2 are traditionally (at least for now) pro govt. The Marehan & Murusade (Farmajo/Khayre backyard.)
That they will vote as a whole bloc is an assumption. 10/17
They are the largest clan (30+ regional MPs) and stand a high chance to secure the presidency again for the 3rd consecutive time.
Some sections of the Habargidir might collaborate with the govt but that might be a small %. 11/17
1. The Waceysle who are also deemed to be pro opposition.
2. The Duduble who are traditionally in the same boat with the Habargidir
3. Dir, Shekhal, Madhiban and Tumal clans who can be termed as swing votes. 12/17
Note that all the 3 hail not only from the Habargidir clan but also from the same sub clan (The Saleban).
The so called "Gentlemen agreement" in full scale. 13/17
President slot primarily reserved for the Habargidir clan.
Marehan, Murusade and Waceysle clans to compete for 2 positions: Deputy President and Speaker. 14/17
Ministry of Interior to set the election guidelines with full mandate. Constitutionally, such is reseved for the Member states.
Already some groups are raising eye brows & developing reservations. 15/17
Tough to predict, quite early to do a realistic prediction.
Key factors that determines who might win:
Political wheeling & dealing, swing votes, transparency of the process and the resources (skilled man power & cash). 16/17
Both the govt and the opposition groups are eager to show their fist and deploy their manpower & cash to the region in the eve of elections. This is the place to watch. 17/17