Background info and geopolitical history of post civil war Jubaland in a nutshell.

1. Gedo; HQ- Garbaharey
2. Lower Jubba (Jubbada Hoose); HQ- Kismayo
3. Middle Jubba (Jubbada Dhexe); HQ - Bu'ale.
Other big towns are Bardere, Jilib, Afmadow & the commercial border towns of Beled Hawa and Dobley.
- Following the collapse of the central government, Gen.Mohamed Said Hersi 'Morgan' former Minister of Defense) captured #Jubaland in 1998 after heavy fighting among the different warring clan-based factions

They would stay in control upto until 2011.
- On the 3rd of April 2011, a new autonomous Jubaland administration referred to as Azania led by Mohamed Abdi (Gandi) came into being.
Gandi is a former Minister of Defense, Somalia.

The word has a bearing in Arabic and it means "the land of plenty".
This election attracted almost equal levels of criticisms & support.
This move was rejected by the organisers of the Jubaland conference.

- Management of revenues from Kismayu port and airport
- Recognition of #Jubaland administration by the Federal government
- Security partnership & reintegration of militias
The summit was aimed at easing the tension created by the long stand off between the different political groups in #Jubaland. Delegates from across the nation and diaspora attended
A 75 member parliament that includes 10 members reserved for the president (nomination).
Sheikh Abdi Yusuf was therein elected as the interim speaker.
He reportedly managed to secure an absolute majority vote against 1 competitor.

Dates of events: I stand to be corrected (if I messed up any of them)
Check out my next thread where I will share my thoughts on best practices for the transition period of #Jubaland & recommendations for the different stakeholders.
Ministry of Interior & Federal Affairs -FGS issued a statement on the guidelines of the #Jubaland elections.
Key points:
- Venue- UN Campound
- Register of traditional elders to be verified
- Women to get at least 1/3 of the total MPs
Strict measures but fair to all.