Hearing gets underway in a little under an hour.


It's just a bit after 10, hopefully we will be underway shortly. Stay tuned.
Margolin: documentcloud.org/documents/6419…
Climate change impacts us daily: fires, flood, increased migration, threats to food, water safety - all of that is happening right now.
Yet, there is still a struggle to overcome the "political and bureaucratic obstacles."
Mr. Kinzinger did not mention this, but to his credit, he acknowledges the science is real and solutions must come to the fore.
my culture and inheritance are literally slipping into the sea. Born into a world where my people
are going extinct.
I know it may not seem that earth shattering but this simple truth rarely sees the light of day in these rooms.
It shouldn't be taken for granted. It is the best available. This is not political opinion or my opinions, this is the science.
Margolin explains that betrayal:
"It's a weird form of nihilism. What is the point? What are we
studying for? What we are doing? No child should ever have to fear this."
This is the latest version of the same argument: other countries emit, US does it best, let America use fossil fuels
Instead, Greta speaks after a moment and says in Sweden it is the same argument - "look what they do in the U.S., why should we do anything. "
"I think you should know, the same argument is being used against you as well," Greta says.
Greta: To just tell the truth. Tell them how it is. When I found out how it actually was, that made me furious. I wanted to do something about it. That is the experience many others have.
Lujan pauses, remarks, "wow." That's it, he says, just tell the truth. Just tell the truth.
As a matter of fact, Rep. Meeks, according to several projections, the damage will be in the trillions. Congress heard about this exactly one week ago.
And with that, the hearing is adjourned.