“It strips you of dignity and hope. Then what’s left for us aside from a prison cell?”
—@Qwillyleads of @heartlandhelps
Case in point: A recent @UMich study found just 6.5% of people eligible for expungement get their records cleared within 5 years.
Notes we must not just address low-level records, must not ignore felonies, records tagged as “violent.”
1 in 4 jobs now require licensure and this has become a major barrier to employment for people with records.
they ensured every member of the Illinois legislature met w/a directly impacted person, so they could see how collateral consequences impact them.
Nearly half of kids in this country now have at least one parent with a criminal record—so we’re setting up a huge swath of the next generation to be second class citizens.
Answer: YES! This is exactly what states like PA, Utah, California (& hopefully soon Michigan) have been doing via #cleanslate automated record-clearing.