Today, Hemodilution!
I’m no expert & I don't routinely administer large volumes of IV resuscitation fluids like my EM & trauma colleagues. But, I do give maintenance fluids to many patients.
What is hemodilution?
Hemodilution implies dilution of the normal blood constitutents occuring either spontaneously after injury and/or blood loss, or as a result of plasma replacement or expansion.l

They theorize:
1️⃣Effects on WBC might be attenuated by a large pool of demarginated WBCs and diurnal variation in glucocorticoids
2️⃣Platelet counts can be affected by mobilization or sequestration from the spleen
💥Hgb/HCT can be hemodiluted. (Evidence may be stronger with bolus vs maintenance fluids)
💥 Some small studies support no dilutional effect on Plts & WBC
💥Don’t be too quick to blame the IV fluids when a patient has low WBCs or Plts.