#Tavistock *Gender Identity* Clinic
#BAGIS #British Assn of *Gender Identity* Specialists
#GIRES *Gender Identity* #Research & #Education #Service &
@FCOHumanRights since 2009/10-ish!
Why does this #Lesbian of the #BritishEmpire know? 🤔
@faintlyfalling 😊😊😊


Actually, there is literally no scandal about #transmen. #BiologicalSex denial wrt #Rape & SVA? 99.1% sexual offences committed by #MALE, *against* #Female 90+% bbc.co.uk/news/uk-422216… … … @AskNic @jameskirkup
#Males 13,452 99.1% 30M (E&W)
#Females 128 0.9% 30M (E&W)
#Transwomen 60 so NOT #Female-Pattern Sexual Offending is it?
@DavidGauke @RoryStewartUK @MariaMillerUK @PennyMordaunt @NicholasHellen @Glinner

wrt #Rape & #Sexual Offences 99.1% #Male: 90+% #Female – offended against
Right to reply: for ALL #women & #girls to reply @BBCMoreOrLess