1⃣Good company name
1⃣Professional website
1⃣Your website ranks first on Goog
1⃣Business cards
1⃣Custom email
1⃣Swag (Pens, Notepads etc...)
1⃣Previous deals are shown (Even if you don't have any)
Now you look professional (Don't worry if you actually aren't) It is time to gather some data
1⃣Purchase price range
1⃣Building type
1⃣Cap Range
1⃣Gross? NNN?
1⃣Create a csv of every broker firm within 70 miles of your ideal location
1⃣Cold call every firm explaining your parameters
1⃣Make sure to get their email on the call
1⃣After the call send them an email with your parameters (Note the date)
1⃣Any brokers that you get along with well ask to meet up in person
1⃣Do this with all brokers
1⃣Look at the last date you sent an email.
1⃣If it was over a month ago send a follow-up.
1⃣Include your parameters and ask for if they have anything
That's it. Once you have a CRM system the maintenance part and the whole process will be very easy.
But if you are just starting out you can do it all with Excel. It just takes more time.
The key here is making sure your company is always in your brokers head