Access to Justice (A2J)
@ATJResources on Legal Assistance Portals to help self-represented litigants @pewstates
@Joe_Fore discussing @ProfJoeKimble on new ways to design legal documents, in this case an opinion letter, for better readability
@mennicken and Martin Lodge of @LSEforBusiness on algorithms used in regulation and regulation of algorithms
@EntEthAlliance on @intelsecurity on the new trusted compute framework for smart contracts, , @iEx_ec @chainlink, @bancosantander
@VirtusEtVeritas with a helpful explanation of the Trusted Computer Framework
@PrivacyAttorney @joejerome Isabelle Shuggi @gattakat on how to regulate tech that literally reads childrens' brainwaves
@hackylawyER on the the Beta Launch of the MIT Computational Law Report
@laws_africa on a project for machine friendly legislation in Africa. (h/t @craigaatkinson)
@LINKNewsOracle on @chainlink on the immense potential for smart contracts in the derivatives space
ICYMI, Yours truly, ADL on why derivatives should matter a lot to legal engineers
@ArtificialLawya on what, at first glance at least, looks like a set back for legal innovators in Germany
@lawbore provides a gallery of several cool examples of using visuals to explain legal concepts.
@DAMLdriven with a webinar on using their tools to code derivatives in prep for the upcoming DerivHack event this week in New York, London and Singapore @danoprey @cryptopacific @YuvalRooz @taliafayeklein
@z_demeola of @IAALS on Arizona moving to create more innovation friendly regulations (ht/ @legalaidtech )
@RoundTableLaw on @BlawxAI a tool for drag and drop coding of legal rules
@DAMLdriven video on building a smart contract in 10 minutes @cryptopacific
@ChicagoBarFound partners with @ChicagoBarAssoc on a new task force on sustainable practice of law & innovation @EPALAW @JayneRReardon @BobGlaves
Are you working on, or thinking about, or did you hear about a cool #legalengineering or #legaldesign project? I'd love to talk with you about it to see how I can help you and help spread the word! Please reach out by DM, or by email at adam at lawsnap dot com