1. We have inadequate leadership. I do not know what the hell Tom Perez is doing. But the rules for the /1
2. Allowing the progressive wing to take over and shut moderates and Red State Dems out. Progressives mocking or telling others to ignore /2
3. Taking POC for granted...again. Assuming POC will vote for whomever the nominee will be is wrong. POC will stay home or leave the slot empty if that candidate doesn't motivate them. POC likes to know who /3
4. Ignoring the South...again. Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama are the poorest states in the union. Because they are Red States with few Electoral votes, Dems ignore. Bill Clinton was able to win those states because he knew /5
5. Trying to force candidates out to please Chuck Shumer. The Senate is just as important than the White House. Moscow Mitch needs to go. However, setting up rules in ways that force out /6
6. Allowing Iowa and New Hampshire to determine the primaries. Three words: Overwhelmingly. White. States.
7. Jurrasic Park. The three front runners are in their 70's. One recently /8
8. AOC does not /9
10. Bernie is not a registered Democrat, yet he has a high influence on the party. Why? End.