Headline: Gross Premiums down 4% YoY
@dylanlscott @leonardkl @sangerkatz @sarahkliff @bobjherman @caitlinnowens @rachanadixit
As soon as CSR Terminated (October 2017), #Silverloading differentially increased silver premiums by a lot
This is bad for unsubsidized and potentially very good for some subsidized populations
@sacksdaniel et al find small effects
But there are lots of other things happening that @CMSGov and states deserve credit for that can lower gross premiums
At least 13 states have a 1332 waiver that pumps in some external to premium revenue to help pay claims. There are several flavors of reinsurance but they work
@AditiPSen and Thomas Deleire have fascinating work that shows Medicaid Expansion population (100-138% FPL) is more expensive than rest of QHP risk pool so pulling them out lowers premiums
Cheap plans means healthy people stay in. Healthy people in lowers average premiums.
a) Texas v. Azar but IMO insurers are confident #SCOTUS will take case no matter what so not 2020 risk
b) HRA for employers --- how to deploy and who plays for 2020 (I'm hearing both interest & plumbing challenges for fast deploy)
a) 2018 is working its way through the system
b) Lots of state-federal cooperation on 1332
c) Medicaid expansion lowers premiums
d) More competition is better for some but not all